
1.6 KiB

Download and display album art or display embedded album art

kunst is a deamon that extracts the album art from the songs playing in mpd and displays them in the a little window. It doesn't loop on a timer, instead it waits for mpd to send a player event. When it receives a player event, it wakes up and extracts the album art of the current playing track. If there no embbeded album art, it will try to fetch the album art from the internet. This maks kunstreally lightweight and makes it idle at ~0% CPU usage.


  • sxiv
  • imagemagick
  • bash
  • ffmpeg
  • mpc


sudo make install


Add kunst to a directory which is in your $PATH


AUR (maintained by networkpanic)


$ kunst --help
usage: kunst [-h] [--size px] [--music_dir path/to/dir] [--version]
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Download and display album art or display embedded album art
optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   --size                what size to display the album art in
   --music_dir           the music directory which MPD plays from
   --version             show the version of bum you are using


MIT License

Copyright © 2019 Siddharth Dushantha