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Based Data

My name is Sam Chance, and this is my personal site.

I am an professional Analytics Engineer with a passion for working with data.

I build data pipelines for analytical projects, some of which I host on this site.

Feel free to look around. If you have any questions, then you can email me on

More about my professional life here.

This site is still very much under construction.

Shortcuts to some of my work:

Software I use:

  • Neovim for text editing (my neovim config is part of my nixos configuration)

  • I use Linux on all my machines

  • Nixos and Arch Linux are my Linux distros of choice

  • dwm is my window manager (my dwm config)

  • st is my terminal emulator (my st config)

  • I use QGIS and Postgis for geospatial work

  • DBT for data modelling

  • Postgres is my relational database of choice to power my backends

  • Hugo to build this website