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About Me /pics/blog/batch-import-postgis-rasters/batch-import-postgis-rasters.webp This article explains how to batch import rasters into a PostGIS table false

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My name is Sam Chance, and this is my personal site.

I'm a professional Analytics Engineer with a passion for working with data. I built this website as a place to publish my personal work.

If you wish to work with me, then please email me on

Shortcuts to some of my work:

Software I use:

  • Neovim for text editing (my neovim config is part of my nixos configuration)

  • I use Linux on all my machines

  • Nixos and Arch Linux are my Linux distros of choice

  • dwm is my window manager (my dwm config)

  • st is my terminal emulator (my st config)

  • I use QGIS and Postgis for geospatial work

  • DBT for data modelling

  • Postgres is my relational database of choice to power my backends

  • Hugo to build this website