9115 lines
202 KiB
9115 lines
202 KiB
cod account
cod activate breakpoints
cod add
cod archive
cod arrow both
cod arrow down
cod arrow left
cod arrow right
cod arrow small down
cod arrow small left
cod arrow small right
cod arrow small up
cod arrow swap
cod arrow up
cod azure
cod azure devops
cod beaker
cod beaker stop
cod bell
cod bell dot
cod bold
cod book
cod bookmark
cod bracket dot
cod bracket error
cod briefcase
cod broadcast
cod browser
cod bug
cod calendar
cod call incoming
cod call outgoing
cod case sensitive
cod check
cod check all
cod checklist
cod chevron down
cod chevron left
cod chevron right
cod chevron up
cod chrome close
cod chrome maximize
cod chrome minimize
cod chrome restore
cod circle
cod circle filled
cod circle large
cod circle large filled
cod circle slash
cod circle small filled
cod circuit board
cod clear all
cod clippy
cod close
cod close all
cod cloud
cod cloud download
cod cloud upload
cod code
cod collapse all
cod color mode
cod combine
cod comment
cod comment discussion
cod compass
cod compass active
cod compass dot
cod copy
cod credit card
cod dash
cod dashboard
cod database
cod debug
cod debug all
cod debug alt
cod debug alt small
cod debug breakpoint conditional
cod debug breakpoint conditional unverified
cod debug breakpoint data
cod debug breakpoint data unverified
cod debug breakpoint function
cod debug breakpoint function unverified
cod debug breakpoint log
cod debug breakpoint log unverified
cod debug breakpoint unsupported
cod debug console
cod debug continue
cod debug continue small
cod debug coverage
cod debug disconnect
cod debug line by line
cod debug pause
cod debug rerun
cod debug restart
cod debug restart frame
cod debug reverse continue
cod debug stackframe
cod debug stackframe active
cod debug start
cod debug step back
cod debug step into
cod debug step out
cod debug step over
cod debug stop
cod desktop download
cod device camera
cod device camera video
cod device mobile
cod diff
cod diff added
cod diff ignored
cod diff modified
cod diff removed
cod diff renamed
cod discard
cod edit
cod editor layout
cod ellipsis
cod empty window
cod error
cod exclude
cod expand all
cod export
cod extensions
cod eye
cod eye closed
cod feedback
cod file
cod file binary
cod file code
cod file media
cod file pdf
cod file submodule
cod file symlink directory
cod file symlink file
cod file zip
cod files
cod filter
cod filter filled
cod flame
cod fold
cod fold down
cod fold up
cod folder
cod folder active
cod folder library
cod folder opened
cod gear
cod gift
cod gist secret
cod git commit
cod git compare
cod git merge
cod git pull request
cod git pull request closed
cod git pull request create
cod git pull request draft
cod github
cod github action
cod github alt
cod github inverted
cod globe
cod go to file
cod grabber
cod graph
cod graph left
cod graph line
cod graph scatter
cod gripper
cod group by ref type
cod heart
cod history
cod home
cod horizontal rule
cod hubot
cod inbox
cod info
cod inspect
cod issue draft
cod issue reopened
cod issues
cod italic
cod jersey
cod json
cod kebab vertical
cod key
cod law
cod layers
cod layers active
cod layers dot
cod layout
cod library
cod lightbulb
cod lightbulb autofix
cod link
cod link external
cod list filter
cod list flat
cod list ordered
cod list selection
cod list tree
cod list unordered
cod live share
cod loading
cod location
cod lock
cod lock small
cod magnet
cod mail
cod mail read
cod markdown
cod megaphone
cod mention
cod menu
cod merge
cod milestone
cod mirror
cod mortar board
cod move
cod multiple windows
cod mute
cod new file
cod new folder
cod newline
cod no newline
cod note
cod notebook
cod notebook template
cod octoface
cod open preview
cod organization
cod output
cod package
cod paintcan
cod pass
cod pass filled
cod person
cod person add
cod pie chart
cod pin
cod pinned
cod pinned dirty
cod play
cod play circle
cod plug
cod preserve case
cod preview
cod primitive square
cod project
cod pulse
cod question
cod quote
cod radio tower
cod reactions
cod record
cod record keys
cod redo
cod references
cod refresh
cod regex
cod remote
cod remote explorer
cod remove
cod replace
cod replace all
cod reply
cod repo
cod repo clone
cod repo force push
cod repo forked
cod repo pull
cod repo push
cod report
cod request changes
cod rocket
cod root folder
cod root folder opened
cod rss
cod ruby
cod run above
cod run all
cod run below
cod run errors
cod save
cod save all
cod save as
cod screen full
cod screen normal
cod search
cod search stop
cod server
cod server environment
cod server process
cod settings
cod settings gear
cod shield
cod sign in
cod sign out
cod smiley
cod sort precedence
cod source control
cod split horizontal
cod split vertical
cod squirrel
cod star empty
cod star full
cod star half
cod stop circle
cod symbol array
cod symbol boolean
cod symbol class
cod symbol color
cod symbol constant
cod symbol enum
cod symbol enum member
cod symbol event
cod symbol field
cod symbol file
cod symbol interface
cod symbol key
cod symbol keyword
cod symbol method
cod symbol misc
cod symbol namespace
cod symbol numeric
cod symbol operator
cod symbol parameter
cod symbol property
cod symbol ruler
cod symbol snippet
cod symbol string
cod symbol structure
cod symbol variable
cod sync
cod sync ignored
cod table
cod tag
cod tasklist
cod telescope
cod terminal
cod terminal bash
cod terminal cmd
cod terminal debian
cod terminal linux
cod terminal powershell
cod terminal tmux
cod terminal ubuntu
cod text size
cod three bars
cod thumbsdown
cod thumbsup
cod tools
cod trash
cod triangle down
cod triangle left
cod triangle right
cod triangle up
cod twitter
cod type hierarchy
cod type hierarchy sub
cod type hierarchy super
cod unfold
cod ungroup by ref type
cod unlock
cod unmute
cod unverified
cod variable group
cod verified
cod verified filled
cod versions
cod vm
cod vm active
cod vm connect
cod vm outline
cod vm running
cod wand
cod warning
cod watch
cod whitespace
cod whole word
cod window
cod word wrap
cod workspace trusted
cod workspace unknown
cod workspace untrusted
cod zoom in
cod zoom out
custom asm
custom c
custom cpp
custom crystal
custom default
custom electron
custom elixir
custom elm
custom emacs
custom folder
custom folder config
custom folder git
custom folder git branch
custom folder github
custom folder npm
custom folder open
custom go
custom home
custom kotlin
custom msdos
custom orgmode
custom play arrow
custom puppet
custom purescript
custom v lang
custom vim
custom windows
dev android
dev angular
dev appcelerator
dev apple
dev appstore
dev aptana
dev asterisk
dev atlassian
dev atom
dev aws
dev backbone
dev bing small
dev bintray
dev bitbucket
dev blackberry
dev bootstrap
dev bower
dev brackets
dev bugsense
dev celluloid
dev chart
dev chrome
dev cisco
dev clojure
dev clojure alt
dev cloud9
dev coda
dev code
dev code badge
dev codeigniter
dev codepen
dev codrops
dev coffeescript
dev compass
dev composer
dev creativecommons
dev creativecommons badge
dev css3
dev css3 full
dev css tricks
dev cssdeck
dev dart
dev database
dev debian
dev digital ocean
dev django
dev dlang
dev docker
dev doctrine
dev dojo
dev dotnet
dev dreamweaver
dev dropbox
dev drupal
dev eclipse
dev ember
dev envato
dev erlang
dev extjs
dev firebase
dev firefox
dev fsharp
dev ghost
dev ghost small
dev git
dev git branch
dev git commit
dev git compare
dev git merge
dev git pull request
dev github
dev github alt
dev github badge
dev github full
dev gnu
dev go
dev google cloud platform
dev google drive
dev grails
dev groovy
dev grunt
dev gulp
dev hackernews
dev haskell
dev heroku
dev html5
dev html5 3d effects
dev html5 connectivity
dev html5 device access
dev html5 multimedia
dev ie
dev illustrator
dev intellij
dev ionic
dev java
dev javascript
dev javascript badge
dev javascript shield
dev jekyll small
dev jenkins
dev jira
dev joomla
dev jquery
dev jquery ui
dev komodo
dev krakenjs
dev krakenjs badge
dev laravel
dev less
dev linux
dev magento
dev mailchimp
dev markdown
dev materializecss
dev meteor
dev meteorfull
dev mitlicence
dev modernizr
dev mongodb
dev mootools
dev mootools badge
dev mozilla
dev msql server
dev mysql
dev nancy
dev netbeans
dev netmagazine
dev nginx
dev nodejs
dev nodejs small
dev npm
dev onedrive
dev openshift
dev opensource
dev opera
dev perl
dev phonegap
dev photoshop
dev php
dev postgresql
dev prolog
dev python
dev rackspace
dev raphael
dev rasberry pi
dev react
dev redhat
dev redis
dev requirejs
dev responsive
dev ruby
dev ruby on rails
dev ruby rough
dev rust
dev safari
dev sass
dev scala
dev scriptcs
dev scrum
dev senchatouch
dev sizzlejs
dev smashing magazine
dev snap svg
dev sqllite
dev stackoverflow
dev streamline
dev stylus
dev sublime
dev swift
dev symfony
dev symfony badge
dev techcrunch
dev terminal
dev terminal badge
dev travis
dev trello
dev typo3
dev ubuntu
dev uikit
dev unity small
dev vim
dev visualstudio
dev w3c
dev webplatform
dev windows
dev wordpress
dev yahoo
dev yahoo small
dev yeoman
dev yii
dev zend
fa 500px
fa address book
fa address book o
fa address card
fa address card o
fa adjust
fa adn
fa align center
fa align justify
fa align left
fa align right
fa amazon
fa ambulance
fa american sign language interpreting
fa anchor
fa android
fa angellist
fa angle double down
fa angle double left
fa angle double right
fa angle double up
fa angle down
fa angle left
fa angle right
fa angle up
fa apple
fa archive
fa area chart
fa arrow circle down
fa arrow circle left
fa arrow circle o down
fa arrow circle o left
fa arrow circle o right
fa arrow circle o up
fa arrow circle right
fa arrow circle up
fa arrow down
fa arrow left
fa arrow right
fa arrow up
fa arrows
fa arrows alt
fa arrows h
fa arrows v
fa asl interpreting
fa assistive listening systems
fa asterisk
fa at
fa audio description
fa automobile
fa backward
fa balance scale
fa ban
fa bandcamp
fa bank
fa bar chart
fa bar chart o
fa barcode
fa bars
fa bath
fa bathtub
fa battery
fa battery 0
fa battery 1
fa battery 2
fa battery 3
fa battery 4
fa battery empty
fa battery full
fa battery half
fa battery quarter
fa battery three quarters
fa bed
fa beer
fa behance
fa behance square
fa bell
fa bell o
fa bell slash
fa bell slash o
fa bicycle
fa binoculars
fa birthday cake
fa bitbucket
fa bitbucket square
fa bitcoin
fa black tie
fa blind
fa bluetooth
fa bluetooth b
fa bold
fa bolt
fa bomb
fa book
fa bookmark
fa bookmark o
fa braille
fa briefcase
fa btc
fa bug
fa building
fa building o
fa bullhorn
fa bullseye
fa bus
fa buysellads
fa cab
fa calculator
fa calendar
fa calendar check o
fa calendar minus o
fa calendar o
fa calendar plus o
fa calendar times o
fa camera
fa camera retro
fa car
fa caret down
fa caret left
fa caret right
fa caret square o down
fa caret square o left
fa caret square o right
fa caret square o up
fa caret up
fa cart arrow down
fa cart plus
fa cc
fa cc amex
fa cc diners club
fa cc discover
fa cc jcb
fa cc mastercard
fa cc paypal
fa cc stripe
fa cc visa
fa certificate
fa chain
fa chain broken
fa check
fa check circle
fa check circle o
fa check square
fa check square o
fa chevron circle down
fa chevron circle left
fa chevron circle right
fa chevron circle up
fa chevron down
fa chevron left
fa chevron right
fa chevron up
fa child
fa chrome
fa circle
fa circle o
fa circle o notch
fa circle thin
fa clipboard
fa clock o
fa clone
fa close
fa cloud
fa cloud download
fa cloud upload
fa cny
fa code
fa code fork
fa codepen
fa codiepie
fa coffee
fa cog
fa cogs
fa columns
fa comment
fa comment o
fa commenting
fa commenting o
fa comments
fa comments o
fa compass
fa compress
fa connectdevelop
fa contao
fa copy
fa copyright
fa creative commons
fa credit card
fa credit card alt
fa crop
fa crosshairs
fa css3
fa cube
fa cubes
fa cut
fa cutlery
fa dashboard
fa dashcube
fa database
fa deaf
fa deafness
fa dedent
fa delicious
fa desktop
fa deviantart
fa diamond
fa digg
fa dollar
fa dot circle o
fa download
fa dribbble
fa drivers license
fa drivers license o
fa dropbox
fa drupal
fa edge
fa edit
fa eercast
fa eject
fa ellipsis h
fa ellipsis v
fa empire
fa envelope
fa envelope o
fa envelope open
fa envelope open o
fa envelope square
fa envira
fa eraser
fa etsy
fa eur
fa euro
fa exchange
fa exclamation
fa exclamation circle
fa exclamation triangle
fa expand
fa expeditedssl
fa external link
fa external link square
fa eye
fa eye slash
fa eyedropper
fa fa
fa facebook
fa facebook f
fa facebook official
fa facebook square
fa fast backward
fa fast forward
fa fax
fa feed
fa female
fa fighter jet
fa file
fa file archive o
fa file audio o
fa file code o
fa file excel o
fa file image o
fa file movie o
fa file o
fa file pdf o
fa file photo o
fa file picture o
fa file powerpoint o
fa file sound o
fa file text
fa file text o
fa file video o
fa file word o
fa file zip o
fa files o
fa film
fa filter
fa fire
fa fire extinguisher
fa firefox
fa first order
fa flag
fa flag checkered
fa flag o
fa flash
fa flask
fa flickr
fa floppy o
fa folder
fa folder o
fa folder open
fa folder open o
fa font
fa font awesome
fa fonticons
fa fort awesome
fa forumbee
fa forward
fa foursquare
fa free code camp
fa frown o
fa futbol o
fa gamepad
fa gavel
fa gbp
fa ge
fa gear
fa gears
fa genderless
fa get pocket
fa gg
fa gg circle
fa gift
fa git
fa git square
fa github
fa github alt
fa github square
fa gitlab
fa gittip
fa glass
fa glide
fa glide g
fa globe
fa google
fa google plus
fa google plus circle
fa google plus official
fa google plus square
fa google wallet
fa graduation cap
fa gratipay
fa grav
fa group
fa h square
fa hacker news
fa hand grab o
fa hand lizard o
fa hand o down
fa hand o left
fa hand o right
fa hand o up
fa hand paper o
fa hand peace o
fa hand pointer o
fa hand rock o
fa hand scissors o
fa hand spock o
fa hand stop o
fa handshake o
fa hard of hearing
fa hashtag
fa hdd o
fa header
fa headphones
fa heart
fa heart o
fa heartbeat
fa history
fa home
fa hospital o
fa hotel
fa hourglass
fa hourglass 1
fa hourglass 2
fa hourglass 3
fa hourglass end
fa hourglass half
fa hourglass o
fa hourglass start
fa houzz
fa html5
fa i cursor
fa id badge
fa id card
fa id card o
fa ils
fa image
fa imdb
fa inbox
fa indent
fa industry
fa info
fa info circle
fa inr
fa instagram
fa institution
fa internet explorer
fa intersex
fa ioxhost
fa italic
fa joomla
fa jpy
fa jsfiddle
fa key
fa keyboard o
fa krw
fa language
fa laptop
fa lastfm
fa lastfm square
fa leaf
fa leanpub
fa legal
fa lemon o
fa level down
fa level up
fa life bouy
fa life buoy
fa life ring
fa life saver
fa lightbulb o
fa line chart
fa link
fa linkedin
fa linkedin square
fa linode
fa linux
fa list
fa list alt
fa list ol
fa list ul
fa location arrow
fa lock
fa long arrow down
fa long arrow left
fa long arrow right
fa long arrow up
fa low vision
fa magic
fa magnet
fa mail forward
fa mail reply
fa mail reply all
fa male
fa map
fa map marker
fa map o
fa map pin
fa map signs
fa mars
fa mars double
fa mars stroke
fa mars stroke h
fa mars stroke v
fa maxcdn
fa meanpath
fa medium
fa medkit
fa meetup
fa meh o
fa mercury
fa microchip
fa microphone
fa microphone slash
fa minus
fa minus circle
fa minus square
fa minus square o
fa mixcloud
fa mobile
fa mobile phone
fa modx
fa money
fa moon o
fa mortar board
fa motorcycle
fa mouse pointer
fa music
fa navicon
fa neuter
fa newspaper o
fa object group
fa object ungroup
fa odnoklassniki
fa odnoklassniki square
fa opencart
fa openid
fa opera
fa optin monster
fa outdent
fa pagelines
fa paint brush
fa paper plane
fa paper plane o
fa paperclip
fa paragraph
fa paste
fa pause
fa pause circle
fa pause circle o
fa paw
fa paypal
fa pencil
fa pencil square
fa pencil square o
fa percent
fa phone
fa phone square
fa photo
fa picture o
fa pie chart
fa pied piper
fa pied piper alt
fa pied piper pp
fa pinterest
fa pinterest p
fa pinterest square
fa plane
fa play
fa play circle
fa play circle o
fa plug
fa plus
fa plus circle
fa plus square
fa plus square o
fa podcast
fa power off
fa print
fa product hunt
fa puzzle piece
fa qq
fa qrcode
fa question
fa question circle
fa question circle o
fa quora
fa quote left
fa quote right
fa ra
fa random
fa ravelry
fa rebel
fa recycle
fa reddit
fa reddit alien
fa reddit square
fa refresh
fa registered
fa remove
fa renren
fa reorder
fa repeat
fa reply
fa reply all
fa resistance
fa retweet
fa rmb
fa road
fa rocket
fa rotate left
fa rotate right
fa rouble
fa rss
fa rss square
fa rub
fa ruble
fa rupee
fa s15
fa safari
fa save
fa scissors
fa scribd
fa search
fa search minus
fa search plus
fa sellsy
fa send
fa send o
fa server
fa share
fa share alt
fa share alt square
fa share square
fa share square o
fa shekel
fa sheqel
fa shield
fa ship
fa shirtsinbulk
fa shopping bag
fa shopping basket
fa shopping cart
fa shower
fa sign in
fa sign language
fa sign out
fa signal
fa signing
fa simplybuilt
fa sitemap
fa skyatlas
fa skype
fa slack
fa sliders
fa slideshare
fa smile o
fa snapchat
fa snapchat ghost
fa snapchat square
fa snowflake o
fa soccer ball o
fa sort
fa sort alpha asc
fa sort alpha desc
fa sort amount asc
fa sort amount desc
fa sort asc
fa sort desc
fa sort down
fa sort numeric asc
fa sort numeric desc
fa sort up
fa soundcloud
fa space shuttle
fa spinner
fa spoon
fa spotify
fa square
fa square o
fa stack exchange
fa stack overflow
fa star
fa star half
fa star half empty
fa star half full
fa star half o
fa star o
fa steam
fa steam square
fa step backward
fa step forward
fa stethoscope
fa sticky note
fa sticky note o
fa stop
fa stop circle
fa stop circle o
fa street view
fa strikethrough
fa stumbleupon
fa stumbleupon circle
fa subscript
fa subway
fa suitcase
fa sun o
fa superpowers
fa superscript
fa support
fa table
fa tablet
fa tachometer
fa tag
fa tags
fa tasks
fa taxi
fa telegram
fa television
fa tencent weibo
fa terminal
fa text height
fa text width
fa th
fa th large
fa th list
fa themeisle
fa thermometer
fa thermometer 0
fa thermometer 1
fa thermometer 2
fa thermometer 3
fa thermometer 4
fa thermometer empty
fa thermometer full
fa thermometer half
fa thermometer quarter
fa thermometer three quarters
fa thumb tack
fa thumbs down
fa thumbs o down
fa thumbs o up
fa thumbs up
fa ticket
fa times
fa times circle
fa times circle o
fa times rectangle
fa times rectangle o
fa tint
fa toggle down
fa toggle left
fa toggle off
fa toggle on
fa toggle right
fa toggle up
fa trademark
fa train
fa transgender
fa transgender alt
fa trash
fa trash o
fa tree
fa trello
fa tripadvisor
fa trophy
fa truck
fa try
fa tty
fa tumblr
fa tumblr square
fa turkish lira
fa tv
fa twitch
fa twitter
fa twitter square
fa umbrella
fa underline
fa undo
fa universal access
fa university
fa unlink
fa unlock
fa unlock alt
fa unsorted
fa upload
fa usb
fa usd
fa user
fa user circle
fa user circle o
fa user md
fa user o
fa user plus
fa user secret
fa user times
fa users
fa vcard
fa vcard o
fa venus
fa venus double
fa venus mars
fa viacoin
fa viadeo
fa viadeo square
fa video camera
fa vimeo
fa vimeo square
fa vine
fa vk
fa volume control phone
fa volume down
fa volume off
fa volume up
fa warning
fa wechat
fa weibo
fa weixin
fa whatsapp
fa wheelchair
fa wheelchair alt
fa wifi
fa wikipedia w
fa window close
fa window close o
fa window maximize
fa window minimize
fa window restore
fa windows
fa won
fa wordpress
fa wpbeginner
fa wpexplorer
fa wpforms
fa wrench
fa xing
fa xing square
fa y combinator
fa y combinator square
fa yahoo
fa yc
fa yc square
fa yelp
fa yen
fa yoast
fa youtube
fa youtube play
fa youtube square
fae apple fruit
fae atom
fae bacteria
fae banana
fae bath
fae bed
fae benzene
fae bigger
fae biohazard
fae blogger circle
fae blogger square
fae bones
fae book open
fae book open o
fae brain
fae bread
fae butterfly
fae carot
fae cc by
fae cc cc
fae cc nc
fae cc nc eu
fae cc nc jp
fae cc nd
fae cc remix
fae cc sa
fae cc share
fae cc zero
fae checklist o
fae cheese
fae cherry
fae chess bishop
fae chess horse
fae chess king
fae chess pawn
fae chess queen
fae chess tower
fae chicken thigh
fae chilli
fae chip
fae cicling
fae cloud
fae cockroach
fae coffe beans
fae coins
fae comb
fae comet
fae crown
fae cup coffe
fae dice
fae disco
fae dna
fae donut
fae dress
fae drop
fae ello
fae envelope open
fae envelope open o
fae equal
fae equal bigger
fae feedly
fae file export
fae file import
fae fingerprint
fae floppy
fae footprint
fae freecodecamp
fae galaxy
fae galery
fae gift card
fae glass
fae google drive
fae google play
fae gps
fae grav
fae guitar
fae gut
fae halter
fae hamburger
fae hat
fae hexagon
fae high heel
fae hotdog
fae ice cream
fae id card
fae imdb
fae infinity
fae injection
fae isle
fae java
fae layers
fae lips
fae lipstick
fae liver
fae lollipop
fae loyalty card
fae lung
fae makeup brushes
fae maximize
fae meat
fae medicine
fae microscope
fae milk bottle
fae minimize
fae molecule
fae moon cloud
fae mountains
fae mushroom
fae mustache
fae mysql
fae nintendo
fae orange
fae palette color
fae peach
fae pear
fae pi
fae pizza
fae planet
fae plant
fae playstation
fae poison
fae popcorn
fae popsicle
fae pulse
fae python
fae quora circle
fae quora square
fae radioactive
fae raining
fae real heart
fae refrigerator
fae restore
fae ring
fae ruby
fae ruby o
fae ruler
fae shirt
fae slash
fae smaller
fae snowing
fae soda
fae sofa
fae soup
fae spermatozoon
fae spin double
fae stomach
fae storm
fae sun cloud
fae sushi
fae tacos
fae telegram
fae telegram circle
fae telescope
fae thermometer
fae thermometer high
fae thermometer low
fae thin close
fae toilet
fae tools
fae tooth
fae tree
fae triangle ruler
fae umbrella
fae uterus
fae virus
fae w3c
fae walking
fae wallet
fae wind
fae xbox
⏻ iec power
⭘ iec power off
⏽ iec power on
⏾ iec sleep mode
⏼ iec toggle power
indent dotted guide
indent line
indentation line
linux almalinux
linux alpine
linux aosc
linux apple
linux archlabs
linux archlinux
linux artix
linux budgie
linux centos
linux coreos
linux debian
linux deepin
linux devuan
linux docker
linux elementary
linux endeavour
linux fedora
linux fedora inverse
linux ferris
linux flathub
linux freebsd
linux gentoo
linux gnu guix
linux illumos
linux kali linux
linux linuxmint
linux linuxmint inverse
linux mageia
linux mandriva
linux manjaro
linux nixos
linux openbsd
linux opensuse
linux parrot
linux pop os
linux raspberry pi
linux redhat
linux rocky linux
linux sabayon
linux slackware
linux slackware inverse
linux snappy
linux solus
linux tux
linux ubuntu
linux ubuntu inverse
linux void
linux zorin
md ab testing
md abacus
md abjad arabic
md abjad hebrew
md abugida devanagari
md abugida thai
md access point
md access point check
md access point minus
md access point network
md access point network off
md access point off
md access point plus
md access point remove
md account
md account alert
md account alert outline
md account arrow down
md account arrow down outline
md account arrow left
md account arrow left outline
md account arrow right
md account arrow right outline
md account arrow up
md account arrow up outline
md account box
md account box multiple
md account box multiple outline
md account box outline
md account cancel
md account cancel outline
md account cash
md account cash outline
md account check
md account check outline
md account child
md account child circle
md account child outline
md account circle
md account circle outline
md account clock
md account clock outline
md account cog
md account cog outline
md account convert
md account convert outline
md account cowboy hat
md account cowboy hat outline
md account details
md account details outline
md account edit
md account edit outline
md account eye
md account eye outline
md account filter
md account filter outline
md account group
md account group outline
md account hard hat
md account hard hat outline
md account heart
md account heart outline
md account injury
md account injury outline
md account key
md account key outline
md account lock
md account lock open
md account lock open outline
md account lock outline
md account minus
md account minus outline
md account multiple
md account multiple check
md account multiple check outline
md account multiple minus
md account multiple minus outline
md account multiple outline
md account multiple plus
md account multiple plus outline
md account multiple remove
md account multiple remove outline
md account music
md account music outline
md account network
md account network outline
md account off
md account off outline
md account outline
md account plus
md account plus outline
md account question
md account question outline
md account reactivate
md account reactivate outline
md account remove
md account remove outline
md account school
md account school outline
md account search
md account search outline
md account settings
md account settings outline
md account star
md account star outline
md account supervisor
md account supervisor circle
md account supervisor circle outline
md account supervisor outline
md account switch
md account switch outline
md account sync
md account sync outline
md account tie
md account tie hat
md account tie hat outline
md account tie outline
md account tie voice
md account tie voice off
md account tie voice off outline
md account tie voice outline
md account tie woman
md account voice
md account voice off
md account wrench
md account wrench outline
md adjust
md advertisements
md advertisements off
md air conditioner
md air filter
md air horn
md air humidifier
md air humidifier off
md air purifier
md airbag
md airballoon
md airballoon outline
md airplane
md airplane alert
md airplane check
md airplane clock
md airplane cog
md airplane edit
md airplane landing
md airplane marker
md airplane minus
md airplane off
md airplane plus
md airplane remove
md airplane search
md airplane settings
md airplane takeoff
md airport
md alarm
md alarm bell
md alarm check
md alarm light
md alarm light off
md alarm light off outline
md alarm light outline
md alarm multiple
md alarm note
md alarm note off
md alarm off
md alarm panel
md alarm panel outline
md alarm plus
md alarm snooze
md album
md alert
md alert box
md alert box outline
md alert circle
md alert circle check
md alert circle check outline
md alert circle outline
md alert decagram
md alert decagram outline
md alert minus
md alert minus outline
md alert octagon
md alert octagon outline
md alert octagram
md alert octagram outline
md alert outline
md alert plus
md alert plus outline
md alert remove
md alert remove outline
md alert rhombus
md alert rhombus outline
md alien
md alien outline
md align horizontal center
md align horizontal distribute
md align horizontal left
md align horizontal right
md align vertical bottom
md align vertical center
md align vertical distribute
md align vertical top
md all inclusive
md all inclusive box
md all inclusive box outline
md allergy
md alpha
md alpha a
md alpha a box
md alpha a box outline
md alpha a circle
md alpha a circle outline
md alpha b
md alpha b box
md alpha b box outline
md alpha b circle
md alpha b circle outline
md alpha c
md alpha c box
md alpha c box outline
md alpha c circle
md alpha c circle outline
md alpha d
md alpha d box
md alpha d box outline
md alpha d circle
md alpha d circle outline
md alpha e
md alpha e box
md alpha e box outline
md alpha e circle
md alpha e circle outline
md alpha f
md alpha f box
md alpha f box outline
md alpha f circle
md alpha f circle outline
md alpha g
md alpha g box
md alpha g box outline
md alpha g circle
md alpha g circle outline
md alpha h
md alpha h box
md alpha h box outline
md alpha h circle
md alpha h circle outline
md alpha i
md alpha i box
md alpha i box outline
md alpha i circle
md alpha i circle outline
md alpha j
md alpha j box
md alpha j box outline
md alpha j circle
md alpha j circle outline
md alpha k
md alpha k box
md alpha k box outline
md alpha k circle
md alpha k circle outline
md alpha l
md alpha l box
md alpha l box outline
md alpha l circle
md alpha l circle outline
md alpha m
md alpha m box
md alpha m box outline
md alpha m circle
md alpha m circle outline
md alpha n
md alpha n box
md alpha n box outline
md alpha n circle
md alpha n circle outline
md alpha o
md alpha o box
md alpha o box outline
md alpha o circle
md alpha o circle outline
md alpha p
md alpha p box
md alpha p box outline
md alpha p circle
md alpha p circle outline
md alpha q
md alpha q box
md alpha q box outline
md alpha q circle
md alpha q circle outline
md alpha r
md alpha r box
md alpha r box outline
md alpha r circle
md alpha r circle outline
md alpha s
md alpha s box
md alpha s box outline
md alpha s circle
md alpha s circle outline
md alpha t
md alpha t box
md alpha t box outline
md alpha t circle
md alpha t circle outline
md alpha u
md alpha u box
md alpha u box outline
md alpha u circle
md alpha u circle outline
md alpha v
md alpha v box
md alpha v box outline
md alpha v circle
md alpha v circle outline
md alpha w
md alpha w box
md alpha w box outline
md alpha w circle
md alpha w circle outline
md alpha x
md alpha x box
md alpha x box outline
md alpha x circle
md alpha x circle outline
md alpha y
md alpha y box
md alpha y box outline
md alpha y circle
md alpha y circle outline
md alpha z
md alpha z box
md alpha z box outline
md alpha z circle
md alpha z circle outline
md alphabet aurebesh
md alphabet cyrillic
md alphabet greek
md alphabet latin
md alphabet piqad
md alphabet tengwar
md alphabetical
md alphabetical off
md alphabetical variant
md alphabetical variant off
md altimeter
md ambulance
md ammunition
md ampersand
md amplifier
md amplifier off
md anchor
md android
md android messages
md android studio
md angle acute
md angle obtuse
md angle right
md angular
md angularjs
md animation
md animation outline
md animation play
md animation play outline
md ansible
md antenna
md anvil
md apache kafka
md api
md api off
md apple
md apple finder
md apple icloud
md apple ios
md apple keyboard caps
md apple keyboard command
md apple keyboard control
md apple keyboard option
md apple keyboard shift
md apple safari
md application
md application array
md application array outline
md application braces
md application braces outline
md application brackets
md application brackets outline
md application cog
md application cog outline
md application edit
md application edit outline
md application export
md application import
md application outline
md application parentheses
md application parentheses outline
md application settings
md application settings outline
md application variable
md application variable outline
md approximately equal
md approximately equal box
md apps
md apps box
md arch
md archive
md archive alert
md archive alert outline
md archive arrow down
md archive arrow down outline
md archive arrow up
md archive arrow up outline
md archive cancel
md archive cancel outline
md archive check
md archive check outline
md archive clock
md archive clock outline
md archive cog
md archive cog outline
md archive edit
md archive edit outline
md archive eye
md archive eye outline
md archive lock
md archive lock open
md archive lock open outline
md archive lock outline
md archive marker
md archive marker outline
md archive minus
md archive minus outline
md archive music
md archive music outline
md archive off
md archive off outline
md archive outline
md archive plus
md archive plus outline
md archive refresh
md archive refresh outline
md archive remove
md archive remove outline
md archive search
md archive search outline
md archive settings
md archive settings outline
md archive star
md archive star outline
md archive sync
md archive sync outline
md arm flex
md arm flex outline
md arrange bring forward
md arrange bring to front
md arrange send backward
md arrange send to back
md arrow all
md arrow bottom left
md arrow bottom left bold box
md arrow bottom left bold box outline
md arrow bottom left bold outline
md arrow bottom left thick
md arrow bottom left thin
md arrow bottom left thin circle outline
md arrow bottom right
md arrow bottom right bold box
md arrow bottom right bold box outline
md arrow bottom right bold outline
md arrow bottom right thick
md arrow bottom right thin
md arrow bottom right thin circle outline
md arrow collapse
md arrow collapse all
md arrow collapse down
md arrow collapse horizontal
md arrow collapse left
md arrow collapse right
md arrow collapse up
md arrow collapse vertical
md arrow decision
md arrow decision auto
md arrow decision auto outline
md arrow decision outline
md arrow down
md arrow down bold
md arrow down bold box
md arrow down bold box outline
md arrow down bold circle
md arrow down bold circle outline
md arrow down bold hexagon outline
md arrow down bold outline
md arrow down box
md arrow down circle
md arrow down circle outline
md arrow down drop circle
md arrow down drop circle outline
md arrow down left
md arrow down left bold
md arrow down right
md arrow down right bold
md arrow down thick
md arrow down thin
md arrow down thin circle outline
md arrow expand
md arrow expand all
md arrow expand down
md arrow expand horizontal
md arrow expand left
md arrow expand right
md arrow expand up
md arrow expand vertical
md arrow horizontal lock
md arrow left
md arrow left bold
md arrow left bold box
md arrow left bold box outline
md arrow left bold circle
md arrow left bold circle outline
md arrow left bold hexagon outline
md arrow left bold outline
md arrow left bottom
md arrow left bottom bold
md arrow left box
md arrow left circle
md arrow left circle outline
md arrow left drop circle
md arrow left drop circle outline
md arrow left right
md arrow left right bold
md arrow left right bold outline
md arrow left thick
md arrow left thin
md arrow left thin circle outline
md arrow left top
md arrow left top bold
md arrow projectile
md arrow projectile multiple
md arrow right
md arrow right bold
md arrow right bold box
md arrow right bold box outline
md arrow right bold circle
md arrow right bold circle outline
md arrow right bold hexagon outline
md arrow right bold outline
md arrow right bottom
md arrow right bottom bold
md arrow right box
md arrow right circle
md arrow right circle outline
md arrow right drop circle
md arrow right drop circle outline
md arrow right thick
md arrow right thin
md arrow right thin circle outline
md arrow right top
md arrow right top bold
md arrow split horizontal
md arrow split vertical
md arrow top left
md arrow top left bold box
md arrow top left bold box outline
md arrow top left bold outline
md arrow top left bottom right
md arrow top left bottom right bold
md arrow top left thick
md arrow top left thin
md arrow top left thin circle outline
md arrow top right
md arrow top right bold box
md arrow top right bold box outline
md arrow top right bold outline
md arrow top right bottom left
md arrow top right bottom left bold
md arrow top right thick
md arrow top right thin
md arrow top right thin circle outline
md arrow u down left
md arrow u down left bold
md arrow u down right
md arrow u down right bold
md arrow u left bottom
md arrow u left bottom bold
md arrow u left top
md arrow u left top bold
md arrow u right bottom
md arrow u right bottom bold
md arrow u right top
md arrow u right top bold
md arrow u up left
md arrow u up left bold
md arrow u up right
md arrow u up right bold
md arrow up
md arrow up bold
md arrow up bold box
md arrow up bold box outline
md arrow up bold circle
md arrow up bold circle outline
md arrow up bold hexagon outline
md arrow up bold outline
md arrow up box
md arrow up circle
md arrow up circle outline
md arrow up down
md arrow up down bold
md arrow up down bold outline
md arrow up drop circle
md arrow up drop circle outline
md arrow up left
md arrow up left bold
md arrow up right
md arrow up right bold
md arrow up thick
md arrow up thin
md arrow up thin circle outline
md arrow vertical lock
md artstation
md aspect ratio
md assistant
md asterisk
md asterisk circle outline
md at
md atlassian
md atm
md atom
md atom variant
md attachment
md attachment check
md attachment lock
md attachment minus
md attachment off
md attachment plus
md attachment remove
md audio input rca
md audio input stereo minijack
md audio input xlr
md audio video
md audio video off
md augmented reality
md auto download
md auto fix
md auto upload
md autorenew
md autorenew off
md av timer
md aws
md axe
md axe battle
md axis
md axis arrow
md axis arrow info
md axis arrow lock
md axis lock
md axis x arrow
md axis x arrow lock
md axis x rotate clockwise
md axis x rotate counterclockwise
md axis x y arrow lock
md axis y arrow
md axis y arrow lock
md axis y rotate clockwise
md axis y rotate counterclockwise
md axis z arrow
md axis z arrow lock
md axis z rotate clockwise
md axis z rotate counterclockwise
md babel
md baby
md baby bottle
md baby bottle outline
md baby buggy
md baby carriage
md baby carriage off
md baby face
md baby face outline
md backburger
md backspace
md backspace outline
md backspace reverse
md backspace reverse outline
md backup restore
md bacteria
md bacteria outline
md badge account
md badge account alert
md badge account alert outline
md badge account horizontal
md badge account horizontal outline
md badge account outline
md badminton
md bag carry on
md bag carry on check
md bag carry on off
md bag checked
md bag personal
md bag personal off
md bag personal off outline
md bag personal outline
md bag suitcase
md bag suitcase off
md bag suitcase off outline
md bag suitcase outline
md baguette
md balcony
md balloon
md ballot
md ballot outline
md ballot recount
md ballot recount outline
md bandage
md bank
md bank check
md bank minus
md bank off
md bank off outline
md bank outline
md bank plus
md bank remove
md bank transfer
md bank transfer in
md bank transfer out
md barcode
md barcode off
md barcode scan
md barley
md barley off
md barn
md barrel
md barrel outline
md baseball
md baseball bat
md baseball diamond
md baseball diamond outline
md bash
md basket
md basket check
md basket check outline
md basket fill
md basket minus
md basket minus outline
md basket off
md basket off outline
md basket outline
md basket plus
md basket plus outline
md basket remove
md basket remove outline
md basket unfill
md basketball
md basketball hoop
md basketball hoop outline
md bat
md bathtub
md bathtub outline
md battery
md battery 10
md battery 10 bluetooth
md battery 20
md battery 20 bluetooth
md battery 30
md battery 30 bluetooth
md battery 40
md battery 40 bluetooth
md battery 50
md battery 50 bluetooth
md battery 60
md battery 60 bluetooth
md battery 70
md battery 70 bluetooth
md battery 80
md battery 80 bluetooth
md battery 90
md battery 90 bluetooth
md battery alert
md battery alert bluetooth
md battery alert variant
md battery alert variant outline
md battery arrow down
md battery arrow down outline
md battery arrow up
md battery arrow up outline
md battery bluetooth
md battery bluetooth variant
md battery charging
md battery charging 10
md battery charging 100
md battery charging 20
md battery charging 30
md battery charging 40
md battery charging 50
md battery charging 60
md battery charging 70
md battery charging 80
md battery charging 90
md battery charging high
md battery charging low
md battery charging medium
md battery charging outline
md battery charging wireless
md battery charging wireless 10
md battery charging wireless 20
md battery charging wireless 30
md battery charging wireless 40
md battery charging wireless 50
md battery charging wireless 60
md battery charging wireless 70
md battery charging wireless 80
md battery charging wireless 90
md battery charging wireless alert
md battery charging wireless outline
md battery check
md battery check outline
md battery clock
md battery clock outline
md battery heart
md battery heart outline
md battery heart variant
md battery high
md battery lock
md battery lock open
md battery low
md battery medium
md battery minus
md battery minus outline
md battery minus variant
md battery negative
md battery off
md battery off outline
md battery outline
md battery plus
md battery plus outline
md battery plus variant
md battery positive
md battery remove
md battery remove outline
md battery sync
md battery sync outline
md battery unknown
md battery unknown bluetooth
md beach
md beaker
md beaker alert
md beaker alert outline
md beaker check
md beaker check outline
md beaker minus
md beaker minus outline
md beaker outline
md beaker plus
md beaker plus outline
md beaker question
md beaker question outline
md beaker remove
md beaker remove outline
md bed
md bed double
md bed double outline
md bed empty
md bed king
md bed king outline
md bed outline
md bed queen
md bed queen outline
md bed single
md bed single outline
md bee
md bee flower
md beehive off outline
md beehive outline
md beekeeper
md beer
md beer outline
md bell
md bell alert
md bell alert outline
md bell badge
md bell badge outline
md bell cancel
md bell cancel outline
md bell check
md bell check outline
md bell circle
md bell circle outline
md bell cog
md bell cog outline
md bell minus
md bell minus outline
md bell off
md bell off outline
md bell outline
md bell plus
md bell plus outline
md bell remove
md bell remove outline
md bell ring
md bell ring outline
md bell sleep
md bell sleep outline
md beta
md betamax
md biathlon
md bicycle
md bicycle basket
md bicycle cargo
md bicycle electric
md bicycle penny farthing
md bike
md bike fast
md billboard
md billiards
md billiards rack
md binoculars
md bio
md biohazard
md bird
md bitbucket
md bitcoin
md black mesa
md blender
md blender outline
md blender software
md blinds
md blinds horizontal
md blinds horizontal closed
md blinds open
md blinds vertical
md blinds vertical closed
md block helper
md blood bag
md bluetooth
md bluetooth audio
md bluetooth connect
md bluetooth off
md bluetooth settings
md bluetooth transfer
md blur
md blur linear
md blur off
md blur radial
md bolt
md bomb
md bomb off
md bone
md bone off
md book
md book account
md book account outline
md book alert
md book alert outline
md book alphabet
md book arrow down
md book arrow down outline
md book arrow left
md book arrow left outline
md book arrow right
md book arrow right outline
md book arrow up
md book arrow up outline
md book cancel
md book cancel outline
md book check
md book check outline
md book clock
md book clock outline
md book cog
md book cog outline
md book cross
md book edit
md book edit outline
md book education
md book education outline
md book heart
md book heart outline
md book information variant
md book lock
md book lock open
md book lock open outline
md book lock outline
md book marker
md book marker outline
md book minus
md book minus multiple
md book minus multiple outline
md book minus outline
md book multiple
md book multiple outline
md book music
md book music outline
md book off
md book off outline
md book open
md book open blank variant
md book open outline
md book open page variant
md book open page variant outline
md book open variant
md book outline
md book play
md book play outline
md book plus
md book plus multiple
md book plus multiple outline
md book plus outline
md book refresh
md book refresh outline
md book remove
md book remove multiple
md book remove multiple outline
md book remove outline
md book search
md book search outline
md book settings
md book settings outline
md book sync
md book sync outline
md book variant
md book variant multiple
md bookmark
md bookmark box multiple
md bookmark box multiple outline
md bookmark check
md bookmark check outline
md bookmark minus
md bookmark minus outline
md bookmark multiple
md bookmark multiple outline
md bookmark music
md bookmark music outline
md bookmark off
md bookmark off outline
md bookmark outline
md bookmark plus
md bookmark plus outline
md bookmark remove
md bookmark remove outline
md bookshelf
md boom gate
md boom gate alert
md boom gate alert outline
md boom gate arrow down
md boom gate arrow down outline
md boom gate arrow up
md boom gate arrow up outline
md boom gate outline
md boom gate up
md boom gate up outline
md boombox
md boomerang
md bootstrap
md border all
md border all variant
md border bottom
md border bottom variant
md border color
md border horizontal
md border inside
md border left
md border left variant
md border none
md border none variant
md border outside
md border right
md border right variant
md border style
md border top
md border top variant
md border vertical
md bottle soda
md bottle soda classic
md bottle soda classic outline
md bottle soda outline
md bottle tonic
md bottle tonic outline
md bottle tonic plus
md bottle tonic plus outline
md bottle tonic skull
md bottle tonic skull outline
md bottle wine
md bottle wine outline
md bow arrow
md bow tie
md bowl
md bowl mix
md bowl mix outline
md bowl outline
md bowling
md box
md box cutter
md box cutter off
md box shadow
md boxing glove
md braille
md brain
md bread slice
md bread slice outline
md bridge
md briefcase
md briefcase account
md briefcase account outline
md briefcase arrow left right
md briefcase arrow left right outline
md briefcase arrow up down
md briefcase arrow up down outline
md briefcase check
md briefcase check outline
md briefcase clock
md briefcase clock outline
md briefcase download
md briefcase download outline
md briefcase edit
md briefcase edit outline
md briefcase eye
md briefcase eye outline
md briefcase minus
md briefcase minus outline
md briefcase off
md briefcase off outline
md briefcase outline
md briefcase plus
md briefcase plus outline
md briefcase remove
md briefcase remove outline
md briefcase search
md briefcase search outline
md briefcase upload
md briefcase upload outline
md briefcase variant
md briefcase variant off
md briefcase variant off outline
md briefcase variant outline
md brightness 1
md brightness 2
md brightness 3
md brightness 4
md brightness 5
md brightness 6
md brightness 7
md brightness auto
md brightness percent
md broadcast
md broadcast off
md broom
md brush
md brush off
md brush outline
md brush variant
md bucket
md bucket outline
md buffet
md bug
md bug check
md bug check outline
md bug outline
md bugle
md bulkhead light
md bulldozer
md bullet
md bulletin board
md bullhorn
md bullhorn outline
md bullhorn variant
md bullhorn variant outline
md bullseye
md bullseye arrow
md bulma
md bunk bed
md bunk bed outline
md bus
md bus alert
md bus articulated end
md bus articulated front
md bus clock
md bus double decker
md bus electric
md bus marker
md bus multiple
md bus school
md bus side
md bus stop
md bus stop covered
md bus stop uncovered
md butterfly
md butterfly outline
md cabin a frame
md cable data
md cached
md cactus
md cake
md cake layered
md cake variant
md cake variant outline
md calculator
md calculator variant
md calculator variant outline
md calendar
md calendar account
md calendar account outline
md calendar alert
md calendar arrow left
md calendar arrow right
md calendar blank
md calendar blank multiple
md calendar blank outline
md calendar check
md calendar check outline
md calendar clock
md calendar clock outline
md calendar collapse horizontal
md calendar cursor
md calendar edit
md calendar end
md calendar expand horizontal
md calendar export
md calendar heart
md calendar import
md calendar lock
md calendar lock outline
md calendar minus
md calendar month
md calendar month outline
md calendar multiple
md calendar multiple check
md calendar multiselect
md calendar outline
md calendar plus
md calendar question
md calendar range
md calendar range outline
md calendar refresh
md calendar refresh outline
md calendar remove
md calendar remove outline
md calendar search
md calendar star
md calendar start
md calendar sync
md calendar sync outline
md calendar text
md calendar text outline
md calendar today
md calendar today outline
md calendar week
md calendar week begin
md calendar week begin outline
md calendar week end
md calendar week end outline
md calendar week outline
md calendar weekend
md calendar weekend outline
md call made
md call merge
md call missed
md call received
md call split
md camcorder
md camcorder off
md camera
md camera account
md camera burst
md camera control
md camera document
md camera document off
md camera enhance
md camera enhance outline
md camera flip
md camera flip outline
md camera front
md camera front variant
md camera gopro
md camera image
md camera iris
md camera lock
md camera lock outline
md camera marker
md camera marker outline
md camera metering center
md camera metering matrix
md camera metering partial
md camera metering spot
md camera off
md camera off outline
md camera outline
md camera party mode
md camera plus
md camera plus outline
md camera rear
md camera rear variant
md camera retake
md camera retake outline
md camera switch
md camera switch outline
md camera timer
md camera wireless
md camera wireless outline
md campfire
md cancel
md candelabra
md candelabra fire
md candle
md candy
md candy off
md candy off outline
md candy outline
md candycane
md cannabis
md cannabis off
md caps lock
md car
md car 2 plus
md car 3 plus
md car arrow left
md car arrow right
md car back
md car battery
md car brake abs
md car brake alert
md car brake fluid level
md car brake hold
md car brake low pressure
md car brake parking
md car brake retarder
md car brake temperature
md car brake worn linings
md car child seat
md car clock
md car clutch
md car cog
md car connected
md car convertible
md car coolant level
md car cruise control
md car defrost front
md car defrost rear
md car door
md car door lock
md car electric
md car electric outline
md car emergency
md car esp
md car estate
md car hatchback
md car info
md car key
md car lifted pickup
md car light alert
md car light dimmed
md car light fog
md car light high
md car limousine
md car multiple
md car off
md car outline
md car parking lights
md car pickup
md car seat
md car seat cooler
md car seat heater
md car select
md car settings
md car shift pattern
md car side
md car speed limiter
md car sports
md car tire alert
md car traction control
md car turbocharger
md car wash
md car windshield
md car windshield outline
md car wireless
md car wrench
md carabiner
md caravan
md card
md card account details
md card account details outline
md card account details star
md card account details star outline
md card account mail
md card account mail outline
md card account phone
md card account phone outline
md card bulleted
md card bulleted off
md card bulleted off outline
md card bulleted outline
md card bulleted settings
md card bulleted settings outline
md card minus
md card minus outline
md card multiple
md card multiple outline
md card off
md card off outline
md card outline
md card plus
md card plus outline
md card remove
md card remove outline
md card search
md card search outline
md card text
md card text outline
md cards
md cards club
md cards club outline
md cards diamond
md cards diamond outline
md cards outline
md cards playing
md cards playing club
md cards playing club multiple
md cards playing club multiple outline
md cards playing club outline
md cards playing diamond
md cards playing diamond multiple
md cards playing diamond multiple outline
md cards playing diamond outline
md cards playing heart
md cards playing heart multiple
md cards playing heart multiple outline
md cards playing heart outline
md cards playing outline
md cards playing spade
md cards playing spade multiple
md cards playing spade multiple outline
md cards playing spade outline
md cards spade
md cards spade outline
md cards variant
md carrot
md cart
md cart arrow down
md cart arrow right
md cart arrow up
md cart check
md cart heart
md cart minus
md cart off
md cart outline
md cart plus
md cart remove
md cart variant
md case sensitive alt
md cash
md cash 100
md cash check
md cash clock
md cash fast
md cash lock
md cash lock open
md cash marker
md cash minus
md cash multiple
md cash plus
md cash refund
md cash register
md cash remove
md cash sync
md cassette
md cast
md cast audio
md cast audio variant
md cast connected
md cast education
md cast off
md cast variant
md castle
md cat
md cctv
md cctv off
md ceiling fan
md ceiling fan light
md ceiling light
md ceiling light multiple
md ceiling light multiple outline
md ceiling light outline
md cellphone
md cellphone arrow down
md cellphone arrow down variant
md cellphone basic
md cellphone charging
md cellphone check
md cellphone cog
md cellphone dock
md cellphone information
md cellphone key
md cellphone link
md cellphone link off
md cellphone lock
md cellphone marker
md cellphone message
md cellphone message off
md cellphone nfc
md cellphone nfc off
md cellphone off
md cellphone play
md cellphone remove
md cellphone screenshot
md cellphone settings
md cellphone sound
md cellphone text
md cellphone wireless
md centos
md certificate
md certificate outline
md chair rolling
md chair school
md chandelier
md charity
md chart arc
md chart areaspline
md chart areaspline variant
md chart bar
md chart bar stacked
md chart bell curve
md chart bell curve cumulative
md chart box
md chart box outline
md chart box plus outline
md chart bubble
md chart donut
md chart donut variant
md chart gantt
md chart histogram
md chart line
md chart line stacked
md chart line variant
md chart multiline
md chart multiple
md chart pie
md chart ppf
md chart sankey
md chart sankey variant
md chart scatter plot
md chart scatter plot hexbin
md chart timeline
md chart timeline variant
md chart timeline variant shimmer
md chart tree
md chart waterfall
md chat
md chat alert
md chat alert outline
md chat minus
md chat minus outline
md chat outline
md chat plus
md chat plus outline
md chat processing
md chat processing outline
md chat question
md chat question outline
md chat remove
md chat remove outline
md chat sleep
md chat sleep outline
md check
md check all
md check bold
md check circle
md check circle outline
md check decagram
md check decagram outline
md check network
md check network outline
md check outline
md check underline
md check underline circle
md check underline circle outline
md checkbook
md checkbox blank
md checkbox blank badge
md checkbox blank badge outline
md checkbox blank circle
md checkbox blank circle outline
md checkbox blank off
md checkbox blank off outline
md checkbox blank outline
md checkbox intermediate
md checkbox marked
md checkbox marked circle
md checkbox marked circle outline
md checkbox marked circle plus outline
md checkbox marked outline
md checkbox multiple blank
md checkbox multiple blank circle
md checkbox multiple blank circle outline
md checkbox multiple blank outline
md checkbox multiple marked
md checkbox multiple marked circle
md checkbox multiple marked circle outline
md checkbox multiple marked outline
md checkbox multiple outline
md checkbox outline
md checkerboard
md checkerboard minus
md checkerboard plus
md checkerboard remove
md cheese
md cheese off
md chef hat
md chemical weapon
md chess bishop
md chess king
md chess knight
md chess pawn
md chess queen
md chess rook
md chevron double down
md chevron double left
md chevron double right
md chevron double up
md chevron down
md chevron down box
md chevron down box outline
md chevron down circle
md chevron down circle outline
md chevron left
md chevron left box
md chevron left box outline
md chevron left circle
md chevron left circle outline
md chevron right
md chevron right box
md chevron right box outline
md chevron right circle
md chevron right circle outline
md chevron triple down
md chevron triple left
md chevron triple right
md chevron triple up
md chevron up
md chevron up box
md chevron up box outline
md chevron up circle
md chevron up circle outline
md chili alert
md chili alert outline
md chili hot
md chili hot outline
md chili medium
md chili medium outline
md chili mild
md chili mild outline
md chili off
md chili off outline
md chip
md church
md cigar
md cigar off
md circle box
md circle box outline
md circle double
md circle edit outline
md circle expand
md circle half
md circle half full
md circle medium
md circle multiple
md circle multiple outline
md circle off outline
md circle opacity
md circle slice 1
md circle slice 2
md circle slice 3
md circle slice 4
md circle slice 5
md circle slice 6
md circle slice 7
md circle slice 8
md circle small
md circular saw
md city
md city variant
md city variant outline
md clipboard
md clipboard account
md clipboard account outline
md clipboard alert
md clipboard alert outline
md clipboard arrow down
md clipboard arrow down outline
md clipboard arrow left
md clipboard arrow left outline
md clipboard arrow right
md clipboard arrow right outline
md clipboard arrow up
md clipboard arrow up outline
md clipboard check
md clipboard check multiple
md clipboard check multiple outline
md clipboard check outline
md clipboard clock
md clipboard clock outline
md clipboard edit
md clipboard edit outline
md clipboard file
md clipboard file outline
md clipboard flow
md clipboard flow outline
md clipboard list
md clipboard list outline
md clipboard minus
md clipboard minus outline
md clipboard multiple
md clipboard multiple outline
md clipboard off
md clipboard off outline
md clipboard outline
md clipboard play
md clipboard play multiple
md clipboard play multiple outline
md clipboard play outline
md clipboard plus
md clipboard plus outline
md clipboard pulse
md clipboard pulse outline
md clipboard remove
md clipboard remove outline
md clipboard search
md clipboard search outline
md clipboard text
md clipboard text clock
md clipboard text clock outline
md clipboard text multiple
md clipboard text multiple outline
md clipboard text off
md clipboard text off outline
md clipboard text outline
md clipboard text play
md clipboard text play outline
md clipboard text search
md clipboard text search outline
md clippy
md clock
md clock alert
md clock alert outline
md clock check
md clock check outline
md clock digital
md clock edit
md clock edit outline
md clock end
md clock fast
md clock in
md clock minus
md clock minus outline
md clock out
md clock outline
md clock plus
md clock plus outline
md clock remove
md clock remove outline
md clock start
md clock time eight
md clock time eight outline
md clock time eleven
md clock time eleven outline
md clock time five
md clock time five outline
md clock time four
md clock time four outline
md clock time nine
md clock time nine outline
md clock time one
md clock time one outline
md clock time seven
md clock time seven outline
md clock time six
md clock time six outline
md clock time ten
md clock time ten outline
md clock time three
md clock time three outline
md clock time twelve
md clock time twelve outline
md clock time two
md clock time two outline
md close
md close box
md close box multiple
md close box multiple outline
md close box outline
md close circle
md close circle multiple
md close circle multiple outline
md close circle outline
md close network
md close network outline
md close octagon
md close octagon outline
md close outline
md close thick
md closed caption
md closed caption outline
md cloud
md cloud alert
md cloud braces
md cloud check
md cloud check outline
md cloud circle
md cloud download
md cloud download outline
md cloud lock
md cloud lock outline
md cloud off outline
md cloud outline
md cloud percent
md cloud percent outline
md cloud print
md cloud print outline
md cloud question
md cloud refresh
md cloud search
md cloud search outline
md cloud sync
md cloud sync outline
md cloud tags
md cloud upload
md cloud upload outline
md clover
md coach lamp
md coach lamp variant
md coat rack
md code array
md code braces
md code braces box
md code brackets
md code equal
md code greater than
md code greater than or equal
md code json
md code less than
md code less than or equal
md code not equal
md code not equal variant
md code parentheses
md code parentheses box
md code string
md code tags
md code tags check
md codepen
md coffee
md coffee maker
md coffee maker check
md coffee maker check outline
md coffee maker outline
md coffee off
md coffee off outline
md coffee outline
md coffee to go
md coffee to go outline
md coffin
md cog
md cog box
md cog clockwise
md cog counterclockwise
md cog off
md cog off outline
md cog outline
md cog pause
md cog pause outline
md cog play
md cog play outline
md cog refresh
md cog refresh outline
md cog stop
md cog stop outline
md cog sync
md cog sync outline
md cog transfer
md cog transfer outline
md cogs
md collage
md collapse all
md collapse all outline
md color helper
md comma
md comma box
md comma box outline
md comma circle
md comma circle outline
md comment
md comment account
md comment account outline
md comment alert
md comment alert outline
md comment arrow left
md comment arrow left outline
md comment arrow right
md comment arrow right outline
md comment bookmark
md comment bookmark outline
md comment check
md comment check outline
md comment edit
md comment edit outline
md comment eye
md comment eye outline
md comment flash
md comment flash outline
md comment minus
md comment minus outline
md comment multiple
md comment multiple outline
md comment off
md comment off outline
md comment outline
md comment plus
md comment plus outline
md comment processing
md comment processing outline
md comment question
md comment question outline
md comment quote
md comment quote outline
md comment remove
md comment remove outline
md comment search
md comment search outline
md comment text
md comment text multiple
md comment text multiple outline
md comment text outline
md compare
md compare horizontal
md compare remove
md compare vertical
md compass
md compass off
md compass off outline
md compass outline
md compass rose
md compost
md cone
md cone off
md connection
md console
md console line
md console network
md console network outline
md consolidate
md contactless payment
md contactless payment circle
md contactless payment circle outline
md contacts
md contacts outline
md contain
md contain end
md contain start
md content copy
md content cut
md content duplicate
md content paste
md content save
md content save alert
md content save alert outline
md content save all
md content save all outline
md content save check
md content save check outline
md content save cog
md content save cog outline
md content save edit
md content save edit outline
md content save move
md content save move outline
md content save off
md content save off outline
md content save outline
md content save settings
md content save settings outline
md contrast
md contrast box
md contrast circle
md controller classic
md controller classic outline
md cookie
md cookie alert
md cookie alert outline
md cookie check
md cookie check outline
md cookie clock
md cookie clock outline
md cookie cog
md cookie cog outline
md cookie edit
md cookie edit outline
md cookie lock
md cookie lock outline
md cookie minus
md cookie minus outline
md cookie off
md cookie off outline
md cookie outline
md cookie plus
md cookie plus outline
md cookie refresh
md cookie refresh outline
md cookie remove
md cookie remove outline
md cookie settings
md cookie settings outline
md coolant temperature
md copyleft
md copyright
md cordova
md corn
md corn off
md cosine wave
md counter
md countertop
md countertop outline
md cow
md cow off
md cpu 32 bit
md cpu 64 bit
md cradle
md cradle outline
md crane
md creation
md creative commons
md credit card
md credit card check
md credit card check outline
md credit card chip
md credit card chip outline
md credit card clock
md credit card clock outline
md credit card edit
md credit card edit outline
md credit card fast
md credit card fast outline
md credit card lock
md credit card lock outline
md credit card marker
md credit card marker outline
md credit card minus
md credit card minus outline
md credit card multiple
md credit card multiple outline
md credit card off
md credit card off outline
md credit card outline
md credit card plus
md credit card plus outline
md credit card refresh
md credit card refresh outline
md credit card refund
md credit card refund outline
md credit card remove
md credit card remove outline
md credit card scan
md credit card scan outline
md credit card search
md credit card search outline
md credit card settings
md credit card settings outline
md credit card sync
md credit card sync outline
md credit card wireless
md credit card wireless off
md credit card wireless off outline
md credit card wireless outline
md cricket
md crop
md crop free
md crop landscape
md crop portrait
md crop rotate
md crop square
md cross
md cross bolnisi
md cross celtic
md cross outline
md crosshairs
md crosshairs gps
md crosshairs off
md crosshairs question
md crowd
md crown
md crown circle
md crown circle outline
md crown outline
md cryengine
md crystal ball
md cube
md cube off
md cube off outline
md cube outline
md cube scan
md cube send
md cube unfolded
md cup
md cup off
md cup off outline
md cup outline
md cup water
md cupboard
md cupboard outline
md cupcake
md curling
md currency bdt
md currency brl
md currency btc
md currency cny
md currency eth
md currency eur
md currency eur off
md currency fra
md currency gbp
md currency ils
md currency inr
md currency jpy
md currency krw
md currency kzt
md currency mnt
md currency ngn
md currency php
md currency rial
md currency rub
md currency rupee
md currency sign
md currency try
md currency twd
md currency usd
md currency usd off
md current ac
md current dc
md cursor default
md cursor default click
md cursor default click outline
md cursor default gesture
md cursor default gesture outline
md cursor default outline
md cursor move
md cursor pointer
md cursor text
md curtains
md curtains closed
md cylinder
md cylinder off
md dance ballroom
md dance pole
md data matrix
md data matrix edit
md data matrix minus
md data matrix plus
md data matrix remove
md data matrix scan
md database
md database alert
md database alert outline
md database arrow down
md database arrow down outline
md database arrow left
md database arrow left outline
md database arrow right
md database arrow right outline
md database arrow up
md database arrow up outline
md database check
md database check outline
md database clock
md database clock outline
md database cog
md database cog outline
md database edit
md database edit outline
md database export
md database export outline
md database eye
md database eye off
md database eye off outline
md database eye outline
md database import
md database import outline
md database lock
md database lock outline
md database marker
md database marker outline
md database minus
md database minus outline
md database off
md database off outline
md database outline
md database plus
md database plus outline
md database refresh
md database refresh outline
md database remove
md database remove outline
md database search
md database search outline
md database settings
md database settings outline
md database sync
md database sync outline
md death star
md death star variant
md deathly hallows
md debian
md debug step into
md debug step out
md debug step over
md decagram
md decagram outline
md decimal
md decimal comma
md decimal comma decrease
md decimal comma increase
md decimal decrease
md decimal increase
md delete
md delete alert
md delete alert outline
md delete circle
md delete circle outline
md delete clock
md delete clock outline
md delete empty
md delete empty outline
md delete forever
md delete forever outline
md delete off
md delete off outline
md delete outline
md delete restore
md delete sweep
md delete sweep outline
md delete variant
md delta
md desk
md desk lamp
md deskphone
md desktop classic
md desktop mac
md desktop mac dashboard
md desktop tower
md desktop tower monitor
md details
md dev to
md developer board
md deviantart
md devices
md dharmachakra
md diabetes
md dialpad
md diameter
md diameter outline
md diameter variant
md diamond
md diamond outline
md diamond stone
md dice 1
md dice 1 outline
md dice 2
md dice 2 outline
md dice 3
md dice 3 outline
md dice 4
md dice 4 outline
md dice 5
md dice 5 outline
md dice 6
md dice 6 outline
md dice d10
md dice d10 outline
md dice d12
md dice d12 outline
md dice d20
md dice d20 outline
md dice d4
md dice d4 outline
md dice d6
md dice d6 outline
md dice d8
md dice d8 outline
md dice multiple
md dice multiple outline
md digital ocean
md dip switch
md directions
md directions fork
md disc
md disc alert
md disc player
md discord
md dishwasher
md dishwasher alert
md dishwasher off
md disqus
md distribute horizontal center
md distribute horizontal left
md distribute horizontal right
md distribute vertical bottom
md distribute vertical center
md distribute vertical top
md diversify
md diving
md diving flippers
md diving helmet
md diving scuba
md diving scuba flag
md diving scuba tank
md diving scuba tank multiple
md diving snorkel
md division
md division box
md dlna
md dna
md dns
md dns outline
md dock bottom
md dock left
md dock right
md dock top
md dock window
md docker
md doctor
md dog
md dog service
md dog side
md dog side off
md dolby
md dolly
md dolphin
md domain
md domain off
md domain plus
md domain remove
md dome light
md domino mask
md donkey
md door
md door closed
md door closed lock
md door open
md door sliding
md door sliding lock
md door sliding open
md doorbell
md doorbell video
md dot net
md dots circle
md dots grid
md dots hexagon
md dots horizontal
md dots horizontal circle
md dots horizontal circle outline
md dots square
md dots triangle
md dots vertical
md dots vertical circle
md dots vertical circle outline
md download
md download box
md download box outline
md download circle
md download circle outline
md download lock
md download lock outline
md download multiple
md download network
md download network outline
md download off
md download off outline
md download outline
md drag
md drag horizontal
md drag horizontal variant
md drag variant
md drag vertical
md drag vertical variant
md drama masks
md draw
md draw pen
md drawing
md drawing box
md dresser
md dresser outline
md drone
md dropbox
md drupal
md duck
md dumbbell
md dump truck
md ear hearing
md ear hearing loop
md ear hearing off
md earbuds
md earbuds off
md earbuds off outline
md earbuds outline
md earth
md earth arrow right
md earth box
md earth box minus
md earth box off
md earth box plus
md earth box remove
md earth minus
md earth off
md earth plus
md earth remove
md egg
md egg easter
md egg fried
md egg off
md egg off outline
md egg outline
md eiffel tower
md eight track
md eject
md eject outline
md electric switch
md electric switch closed
md electron framework
md elephant
md elevation decline
md elevation rise
md elevator
md elevator down
md elevator passenger
md elevator passenger off
md elevator passenger off outline
md elevator passenger outline
md elevator up
md ellipse
md ellipse outline
md email
md email alert
md email alert outline
md email box
md email check
md email check outline
md email edit
md email edit outline
md email fast
md email fast outline
md email lock
md email mark as unread
md email minus
md email minus outline
md email multiple
md email multiple outline
md email newsletter
md email off
md email off outline
md email open
md email open multiple
md email open multiple outline
md email open outline
md email outline
md email plus
md email plus outline
md email receive
md email receive outline
md email remove
md email remove outline
md email seal
md email seal outline
md email search
md email search outline
md email send
md email send outline
md email sync
md email sync outline
md email variant
md ember
md emby
md emoticon
md emoticon angry
md emoticon angry outline
md emoticon confused
md emoticon confused outline
md emoticon cool
md emoticon cool outline
md emoticon cry
md emoticon cry outline
md emoticon dead
md emoticon dead outline
md emoticon devil
md emoticon devil outline
md emoticon excited
md emoticon excited outline
md emoticon frown
md emoticon frown outline
md emoticon happy
md emoticon happy outline
md emoticon kiss
md emoticon kiss outline
md emoticon lol
md emoticon lol outline
md emoticon neutral
md emoticon neutral outline
md emoticon outline
md emoticon poop
md emoticon poop outline
md emoticon sad
md emoticon sad outline
md emoticon sick
md emoticon sick outline
md emoticon tongue
md emoticon tongue outline
md emoticon wink
md emoticon wink outline
md engine
md engine off
md engine off outline
md engine outline
md epsilon
md equal
md equal box
md equalizer
md equalizer outline
md eraser
md eraser variant
md escalator
md escalator box
md escalator down
md escalator up
md eslint
md et
md ethereum
md ethernet
md ethernet cable
md ethernet cable off
md ev plug ccs1
md ev plug ccs2
md ev plug chademo
md ev plug tesla
md ev plug type1
md ev plug type2
md ev station
md evernote
md excavator
md exclamation
md exclamation thick
md exit run
md exit to app
md expand all
md expand all outline
md expansion card
md expansion card variant
md exponent
md exponent box
md export
md export variant
md eye
md eye arrow left
md eye arrow left outline
md eye arrow right
md eye arrow right outline
md eye check
md eye check outline
md eye circle
md eye circle outline
md eye minus
md eye minus outline
md eye off
md eye off outline
md eye outline
md eye plus
md eye plus outline
md eye refresh
md eye refresh outline
md eye remove
md eye remove outline
md eye settings
md eye settings outline
md eyedropper
md eyedropper minus
md eyedropper off
md eyedropper plus
md eyedropper remove
md eyedropper variant
md face agent
md face man
md face man outline
md face man profile
md face man shimmer
md face man shimmer outline
md face mask
md face mask outline
md face recognition
md face woman
md face woman outline
md face woman profile
md face woman shimmer
md face woman shimmer outline
md facebook
md facebook gaming
md facebook messenger
md facebook workplace
md factory
md family tree
md fan
md fan alert
md fan auto
md fan chevron down
md fan chevron up
md fan clock
md fan minus
md fan off
md fan plus
md fan remove
md fan speed 1
md fan speed 2
md fan speed 3
md fast forward
md fast forward 10
md fast forward 15
md fast forward 30
md fast forward 5
md fast forward 60
md fast forward outline
md fax
md feather
md feature search
md feature search outline
md fedora
md fence
md fence electric
md fencing
md ferris wheel
md ferry
md file
md file account
md file account outline
md file alert
md file alert outline
md file arrow left right
md file arrow left right outline
md file arrow up down
md file arrow up down outline
md file cabinet
md file cad
md file cad box
md file cancel
md file cancel outline
md file certificate
md file certificate outline
md file chart
md file chart check
md file chart check outline
md file chart outline
md file check
md file check outline
md file clock
md file clock outline
md file cloud
md file cloud outline
md file code
md file code outline
md file cog
md file cog outline
md file compare
md file delimited
md file delimited outline
md file document
md file document alert
md file document alert outline
md file document check
md file document check outline
md file document edit
md file document edit outline
md file document minus
md file document minus outline
md file document multiple
md file document multiple outline
md file document outline
md file document plus
md file document plus outline
md file document remove
md file document remove outline
md file download
md file download outline
md file edit
md file edit outline
md file excel
md file excel box
md file excel box outline
md file excel outline
md file export
md file export outline
md file eye
md file eye outline
md file find
md file find outline
md file gif box
md file hidden
md file image
md file image marker
md file image marker outline
md file image minus
md file image minus outline
md file image outline
md file image plus
md file image plus outline
md file image remove
md file image remove outline
md file import
md file import outline
md file jpg box
md file key
md file key outline
md file link
md file link outline
md file lock
md file lock open
md file lock open outline
md file lock outline
md file marker
md file marker outline
md file minus
md file minus outline
md file move
md file move outline
md file multiple
md file multiple outline
md file music
md file music outline
md file outline
md file pdf box
md file percent
md file percent outline
md file phone
md file phone outline
md file plus
md file plus outline
md file png box
md file powerpoint
md file powerpoint box
md file powerpoint box outline
md file powerpoint outline
md file presentation box
md file question
md file question outline
md file refresh
md file refresh outline
md file remove
md file remove outline
md file replace
md file replace outline
md file restore
md file restore outline
md file rotate left
md file rotate left outline
md file rotate right
md file rotate right outline
md file search
md file search outline
md file send
md file send outline
md file settings
md file settings outline
md file sign
md file star
md file star outline
md file swap
md file swap outline
md file sync
md file sync outline
md file table
md file table box
md file table box multiple
md file table box multiple outline
md file table box outline
md file table outline
md file tree
md file tree outline
md file undo
md file undo outline
md file upload
md file upload outline
md file video
md file video outline
md file word
md file word box
md file word box outline
md file word outline
md film
md filmstrip
md filmstrip box
md filmstrip box multiple
md filmstrip off
md filter
md filter check
md filter check outline
md filter cog
md filter cog outline
md filter menu
md filter menu outline
md filter minus
md filter minus outline
md filter multiple
md filter multiple outline
md filter off
md filter off outline
md filter outline
md filter plus
md filter plus outline
md filter remove
md filter remove outline
md filter settings
md filter settings outline
md filter variant
md filter variant minus
md filter variant plus
md filter variant remove
md finance
md find replace
md fingerprint
md fingerprint off
md fire
md fire alert
md fire circle
md fire extinguisher
md fire hydrant
md fire hydrant alert
md fire hydrant off
md fire off
md fire truck
md firebase
md firefox
md fireplace
md fireplace off
md firewire
md firework
md firework off
md fish
md fish off
md fishbowl
md fishbowl outline
md fit to page
md fit to page outline
md fit to screen
md fit to screen outline
md flag
md flag checkered
md flag minus
md flag minus outline
md flag off
md flag off outline
md flag outline
md flag plus
md flag plus outline
md flag remove
md flag remove outline
md flag triangle
md flag variant
md flag variant outline
md flare
md flash
md flash alert
md flash alert outline
md flash auto
md flash off
md flash outline
md flash red eye
md flashlight
md flashlight off
md flask
md flask empty
md flask empty minus
md flask empty minus outline
md flask empty off
md flask empty off outline
md flask empty outline
md flask empty plus
md flask empty plus outline
md flask empty remove
md flask empty remove outline
md flask minus
md flask minus outline
md flask off
md flask off outline
md flask outline
md flask plus
md flask plus outline
md flask remove
md flask remove outline
md flask round bottom
md flask round bottom empty
md flask round bottom empty outline
md flask round bottom outline
md fleur de lis
md flip horizontal
md flip to back
md flip to front
md flip vertical
md floor lamp
md floor lamp dual
md floor lamp dual outline
md floor lamp outline
md floor lamp torchiere
md floor lamp torchiere outline
md floor lamp torchiere variant
md floor lamp torchiere variant outline
md floor plan
md floppy
md floppy variant
md flower
md flower outline
md flower pollen
md flower pollen outline
md flower poppy
md flower tulip
md flower tulip outline
md focus auto
md focus field
md focus field horizontal
md focus field vertical
md folder
md folder account
md folder account outline
md folder alert
md folder alert outline
md folder arrow down
md folder arrow down outline
md folder arrow left
md folder arrow left outline
md folder arrow left right
md folder arrow left right outline
md folder arrow right
md folder arrow right outline
md folder arrow up
md folder arrow up down
md folder arrow up down outline
md folder arrow up outline
md folder cancel
md folder cancel outline
md folder check
md folder check outline
md folder clock
md folder clock outline
md folder cog
md folder cog outline
md folder download
md folder download outline
md folder edit
md folder edit outline
md folder eye
md folder eye outline
md folder file
md folder file outline
md folder google drive
md folder heart
md folder heart outline
md folder hidden
md folder home
md folder home outline
md folder image
md folder information
md folder information outline
md folder key
md folder key network
md folder key network outline
md folder key outline
md folder lock
md folder lock open
md folder lock open outline
md folder lock outline
md folder marker
md folder marker outline
md folder move
md folder move outline
md folder multiple
md folder multiple image
md folder multiple outline
md folder multiple plus
md folder multiple plus outline
md folder music
md folder music outline
md folder network
md folder network outline
md folder off
md folder off outline
md folder open
md folder open outline
md folder outline
md folder play
md folder play outline
md folder plus
md folder plus outline
md folder pound
md folder pound outline
md folder question
md folder question outline
md folder refresh
md folder refresh outline
md folder remove
md folder remove outline
md folder search
md folder search outline
md folder settings
md folder settings outline
md folder star
md folder star multiple
md folder star multiple outline
md folder star outline
md folder swap
md folder swap outline
md folder sync
md folder sync outline
md folder table
md folder table outline
md folder text
md folder text outline
md folder upload
md folder upload outline
md folder wrench
md folder wrench outline
md folder zip
md folder zip outline
md font awesome
md food
md food apple
md food apple outline
md food croissant
md food drumstick
md food drumstick off
md food drumstick off outline
md food drumstick outline
md food fork drink
md food halal
md food hot dog
md food kosher
md food off
md food off outline
md food outline
md food steak
md food steak off
md food takeout box
md food takeout box outline
md food turkey
md food variant
md food variant off
md foot print
md football
md football australian
md football helmet
md forest
md forklift
md form dropdown
md form select
md form textarea
md form textbox
md form textbox lock
md form textbox password
md format align bottom
md format align center
md format align justify
md format align left
md format align middle
md format align right
md format align top
md format annotation minus
md format annotation plus
md format bold
md format clear
md format color fill
md format color highlight
md format color marker cancel
md format color text
md format columns
md format float center
md format float left
md format float none
md format float right
md format font
md format font size decrease
md format font size increase
md format header 1
md format header 2
md format header 3
md format header 4
md format header 5
md format header 6
md format header decrease
md format header equal
md format header increase
md format header pound
md format horizontal align center
md format horizontal align left
md format horizontal align right
md format indent decrease
md format indent increase
md format italic
md format letter case
md format letter case lower
md format letter case upper
md format letter ends with
md format letter matches
md format letter spacing
md format letter starts with
md format line spacing
md format line style
md format line weight
md format list bulleted
md format list bulleted square
md format list bulleted triangle
md format list bulleted type
md format list checkbox
md format list checks
md format list group
md format list numbered
md format list numbered rtl
md format list text
md format overline
md format page break
md format page split
md format paint
md format paragraph
md format pilcrow
md format quote close
md format quote close outline
md format quote open
md format quote open outline
md format rotate 90
md format section
md format size
md format strikethrough
md format strikethrough variant
md format subscript
md format superscript
md format text
md format text rotation angle down
md format text rotation angle up
md format text rotation down
md format text rotation down vertical
md format text rotation none
md format text rotation up
md format text rotation vertical
md format text variant
md format text variant outline
md format text wrapping clip
md format text wrapping overflow
md format text wrapping wrap
md format textbox
md format textdirection l to r
md format textdirection r to l
md format title
md format underline
md format underline wavy
md format vertical align bottom
md format vertical align center
md format vertical align top
md format wrap inline
md format wrap square
md format wrap tight
md format wrap top bottom
md forum
md forum minus
md forum minus outline
md forum outline
md forum plus
md forum plus outline
md forum remove
md forum remove outline
md forward
md forwardburger
md fountain
md fountain pen
md fountain pen tip
md fraction one half
md freebsd
md french fries
md frequently asked questions
md fridge
md fridge alert
md fridge alert outline
md fridge bottom
md fridge industrial
md fridge industrial alert
md fridge industrial alert outline
md fridge industrial off
md fridge industrial off outline
md fridge industrial outline
md fridge off
md fridge off outline
md fridge outline
md fridge top
md fridge variant
md fridge variant alert
md fridge variant alert outline
md fridge variant off
md fridge variant off outline
md fridge variant outline
md fruit cherries
md fruit cherries off
md fruit citrus
md fruit citrus off
md fruit grapes
md fruit grapes outline
md fruit pear
md fruit pineapple
md fruit watermelon
md fuel
md fuel cell
md fullscreen
md fullscreen exit
md function
md function variant
md furigana horizontal
md furigana vertical
md fuse
md fuse alert
md fuse blade
md fuse off
md gamepad
md gamepad circle
md gamepad circle down
md gamepad circle left
md gamepad circle outline
md gamepad circle right
md gamepad circle up
md gamepad down
md gamepad left
md gamepad outline
md gamepad right
md gamepad round
md gamepad round down
md gamepad round left
md gamepad round outline
md gamepad round right
md gamepad round up
md gamepad square
md gamepad square outline
md gamepad up
md gamepad variant
md gamepad variant outline
md gamma
md gantry crane
md garage
md garage alert
md garage alert variant
md garage lock
md garage open
md garage open variant
md garage variant
md garage variant lock
md gas burner
md gas cylinder
md gas station
md gas station off
md gas station off outline
md gas station outline
md gate
md gate alert
md gate and
md gate arrow left
md gate arrow right
md gate nand
md gate nor
md gate not
md gate open
md gate or
md gate xnor
md gate xor
md gatsby
md gauge
md gauge empty
md gauge full
md gauge low
md gavel
md gender female
md gender male
md gender male female
md gender male female variant
md gender non binary
md gender transgender
md gentoo
md gesture
md gesture double tap
md gesture pinch
md gesture spread
md gesture swipe
md gesture swipe down
md gesture swipe horizontal
md gesture swipe left
md gesture swipe right
md gesture swipe up
md gesture swipe vertical
md gesture tap
md gesture tap box
md gesture tap button
md gesture tap hold
md gesture two double tap
md gesture two tap
md ghost
md ghost off
md ghost off outline
md ghost outline
md gift
md gift off
md gift off outline
md gift open
md gift open outline
md gift outline
md git
md github
md gitlab
md glass cocktail
md glass cocktail off
md glass flute
md glass fragile
md glass mug
md glass mug off
md glass mug variant
md glass mug variant off
md glass pint outline
md glass stange
md glass tulip
md glass wine
md glasses
md globe light
md globe model
md gmail
md gnome
md go kart
md go kart track
md gog
md gold
md golf
md golf cart
md golf tee
md gondola
md goodreads
md google
md google ads
md google analytics
md google assistant
md google cardboard
md google chrome
md google circles
md google circles communities
md google circles extended
md google circles group
md google classroom
md google cloud
md google controller
md google controller off
md google downasaur
md google drive
md google earth
md google fit
md google glass
md google hangouts
md google home
md google keep
md google lens
md google maps
md google my business
md google nearby
md google play
md google plus
md google podcast
md google spreadsheet
md google street view
md google translate
md gradient horizontal
md gradient vertical
md grain
md graph
md graph outline
md graphql
md grass
md grave stone
md grease pencil
md greater than
md greater than or equal
md greenhouse
md grid
md grid large
md grid off
md grill
md grill outline
md group
md guitar acoustic
md guitar electric
md guitar pick
md guitar pick outline
md guy fawkes mask
md gymnastics
md hail
md hair dryer
md hair dryer outline
md halloween
md hamburger
md hamburger check
md hamburger minus
md hamburger off
md hamburger plus
md hamburger remove
md hammer
md hammer screwdriver
md hammer sickle
md hammer wrench
md hand back left
md hand back left off
md hand back left off outline
md hand back left outline
md hand back right
md hand back right off
md hand back right off outline
md hand back right outline
md hand clap
md hand clap off
md hand coin
md hand coin outline
md hand extended
md hand extended outline
md hand front left
md hand front left outline
md hand front right
md hand front right outline
md hand heart
md hand heart outline
md hand okay
md hand peace
md hand peace variant
md hand pointing down
md hand pointing left
md hand pointing right
md hand pointing up
md hand saw
md hand wash
md hand wash outline
md hand water
md hand wave
md hand wave outline
md handball
md handcuffs
md hands pray
md handshake
md handshake outline
md hanger
md hard hat
md harddisk
md harddisk plus
md harddisk remove
md hat fedora
md hazard lights
md hdr
md hdr off
md head
md head alert
md head alert outline
md head check
md head check outline
md head cog
md head cog outline
md head dots horizontal
md head dots horizontal outline
md head flash
md head flash outline
md head heart
md head heart outline
md head lightbulb
md head lightbulb outline
md head minus
md head minus outline
md head outline
md head plus
md head plus outline
md head question
md head question outline
md head remove
md head remove outline
md head snowflake
md head snowflake outline
md head sync
md head sync outline
md headphones
md headphones bluetooth
md headphones box
md headphones off
md headphones settings
md headset
md headset dock
md headset off
md heart
md heart box
md heart box outline
md heart broken
md heart broken outline
md heart circle
md heart circle outline
md heart cog
md heart cog outline
md heart flash
md heart half
md heart half full
md heart half outline
md heart minus
md heart minus outline
md heart multiple
md heart multiple outline
md heart off
md heart off outline
md heart outline
md heart plus
md heart plus outline
md heart pulse
md heart remove
md heart remove outline
md heart settings
md heart settings outline
md heat pump
md heat pump outline
md heat wave
md heating coil
md helicopter
md help
md help box
md help circle
md help circle outline
md help network
md help network outline
md help rhombus
md help rhombus outline
md hexadecimal
md hexagon
md hexagon multiple
md hexagon multiple outline
md hexagon outline
md hexagon slice 1
md hexagon slice 2
md hexagon slice 3
md hexagon slice 4
md hexagon slice 5
md hexagon slice 6
md hexagram
md hexagram outline
md high definition
md high definition box
md highway
md hiking
md history
md hockey puck
md hockey sticks
md hololens
md home
md home account
md home alert
md home alert outline
md home analytics
md home assistant
md home automation
md home battery
md home battery outline
md home circle
md home circle outline
md home city
md home city outline
md home clock
md home clock outline
md home edit
md home edit outline
md home export outline
md home flood
md home floor 0
md home floor 1
md home floor 2
md home floor 3
md home floor a
md home floor b
md home floor g
md home floor l
md home floor negative 1
md home group
md home group minus
md home group plus
md home group remove
md home heart
md home import outline
md home lightbulb
md home lightbulb outline
md home lightning bolt
md home lightning bolt outline
md home lock
md home lock open
md home map marker
md home minus
md home minus outline
md home modern
md home off
md home off outline
md home outline
md home plus
md home plus outline
md home remove
md home remove outline
md home roof
md home search
md home search outline
md home switch
md home switch outline
md home thermometer
md home thermometer outline
md home variant
md home variant outline
md hook
md hook off
md hoop house
md hops
md horizontal rotate clockwise
md horizontal rotate counterclockwise
md horse
md horse human
md horse variant
md horse variant fast
md horseshoe
md hospital
md hospital box
md hospital box outline
md hospital building
md hospital marker
md hot tub
md hours 24
md hubspot
md hulu
md human
md human baby changing table
md human cane
md human capacity decrease
md human capacity increase
md human child
md human dolly
md human edit
md human female
md human female boy
md human female dance
md human female female
md human female girl
md human greeting
md human greeting proximity
md human greeting variant
md human handsdown
md human handsup
md human male
md human male board
md human male board poll
md human male boy
md human male child
md human male female
md human male female child
md human male girl
md human male height
md human male height variant
md human male male
md human non binary
md human pregnant
md human queue
md human scooter
md human wheelchair
md human white cane
md humble bundle
md hvac
md hvac off
md hydraulic oil level
md hydraulic oil temperature
md hydro power
md hydrogen station
md ice cream
md ice cream off
md ice pop
md id card
md identifier
md ideogram cjk
md ideogram cjk variant
md image
md image album
md image area
md image area close
md image auto adjust
md image broken
md image broken variant
md image edit
md image edit outline
md image filter black white
md image filter center focus
md image filter center focus strong
md image filter center focus strong outline
md image filter center focus weak
md image filter drama
md image filter frames
md image filter hdr
md image filter none
md image filter tilt shift
md image filter vintage
md image frame
md image lock
md image lock outline
md image marker
md image marker outline
md image minus
md image move
md image multiple
md image multiple outline
md image off
md image off outline
md image outline
md image plus
md image refresh
md image refresh outline
md image remove
md image search
md image search outline
md image size select actual
md image size select large
md image size select small
md image sync
md image sync outline
md image text
md import
md inbox
md inbox arrow down
md inbox arrow down outline
md inbox arrow up
md inbox arrow up outline
md inbox full
md inbox full outline
md inbox multiple
md inbox multiple outline
md inbox outline
md inbox remove
md inbox remove outline
md incognito
md incognito circle
md incognito circle off
md incognito off
md induction
md infinity
md information
md information off
md information off outline
md information outline
md information variant
md instagram
md instrument triangle
md integrated circuit chip
md invert colors
md invert colors off
md iobroker
md ip
md ip network
md ip network outline
md ip outline
md ipod
md iron
md iron board
md iron outline
md island
md iv bag
md jabber
md jeepney
md jellyfish
md jellyfish outline
md jira
md jquery
md jsfiddle
md jump rope
md kabaddi
md kangaroo
md karate
md kayaking
md keg
md kettle
md kettle alert
md kettle alert outline
md kettle off
md kettle off outline
md kettle outline
md kettle pour over
md kettle steam
md kettle steam outline
md kettlebell
md key
md key alert
md key alert outline
md key arrow right
md key chain
md key chain variant
md key change
md key link
md key minus
md key outline
md key plus
md key remove
md key star
md key variant
md key wireless
md keyboard
md keyboard backspace
md keyboard caps
md keyboard close
md keyboard esc
md keyboard f1
md keyboard f10
md keyboard f11
md keyboard f12
md keyboard f2
md keyboard f3
md keyboard f4
md keyboard f5
md keyboard f6
md keyboard f7
md keyboard f8
md keyboard f9
md keyboard off
md keyboard off outline
md keyboard outline
md keyboard return
md keyboard settings
md keyboard settings outline
md keyboard space
md keyboard tab
md keyboard tab reverse
md keyboard variant
md khanda
md kickstarter
md kite
md kite outline
md kitesurfing
md klingon
md knife
md knife military
md koala
md kodi
md kubernetes
md label
md label multiple
md label multiple outline
md label off
md label off outline
md label outline
md label percent
md label percent outline
md label variant
md label variant outline
md ladder
md ladybug
md lambda
md lamp
md lamp outline
md lamps
md lamps outline
md lan
md lan check
md lan connect
md lan disconnect
md lan pending
md land fields
md land plots
md land plots circle
md land plots circle variant
md land rows horizontal
md land rows vertical
md landslide
md landslide outline
md language c
md language cpp
md language csharp
md language css3
md language fortran
md language go
md language haskell
md language html5
md language java
md language javascript
md language kotlin
md language lua
md language markdown
md language markdown outline
md language php
md language python
md language r
md language ruby
md language ruby on rails
md language rust
md language swift
md language typescript
md language xaml
md laptop
md laptop account
md laptop off
md laravel
md laser pointer
md lasso
md lastpass
md latitude
md launch
md lava lamp
md layers
md layers edit
md layers minus
md layers off
md layers off outline
md layers outline
md layers plus
md layers remove
md layers search
md layers search outline
md layers triple
md layers triple outline
md lead pencil
md leaf
md leaf circle
md leaf circle outline
md leaf maple
md leaf maple off
md leaf off
md leak
md leak off
md lecturn
md led off
md led on
md led outline
md led strip
md led strip variant
md led strip variant off
md led variant off
md led variant on
md led variant outline
md leek
md less than
md less than or equal
md library
md library outline
md library shelves
md license
md lifebuoy
md light flood down
md light flood up
md light recessed
md light switch
md light switch off
md lightbulb
md lightbulb alert
md lightbulb alert outline
md lightbulb auto
md lightbulb auto outline
md lightbulb cfl
md lightbulb cfl off
md lightbulb cfl spiral
md lightbulb cfl spiral off
md lightbulb fluorescent tube
md lightbulb fluorescent tube outline
md lightbulb group
md lightbulb group off
md lightbulb group off outline
md lightbulb group outline
md lightbulb multiple
md lightbulb multiple off
md lightbulb multiple off outline
md lightbulb multiple outline
md lightbulb night
md lightbulb night outline
md lightbulb off
md lightbulb off outline
md lightbulb on
md lightbulb on 10
md lightbulb on 20
md lightbulb on 30
md lightbulb on 40
md lightbulb on 50
md lightbulb on 60
md lightbulb on 70
md lightbulb on 80
md lightbulb on 90
md lightbulb on outline
md lightbulb outline
md lightbulb question
md lightbulb question outline
md lightbulb spot
md lightbulb spot off
md lightbulb variant
md lightbulb variant outline
md lighthouse
md lighthouse on
md lightning bolt
md lightning bolt circle
md lightning bolt outline
md line scan
md lingerie
md link
md link box
md link box outline
md link box variant
md link box variant outline
md link lock
md link off
md link plus
md link variant
md link variant minus
md link variant off
md link variant plus
md link variant remove
md linkedin
md linux
md linux mint
md lipstick
md liquid spot
md liquor
md list status
md litecoin
md loading
md location enter
md location exit
md lock
md lock alert
md lock alert outline
md lock check
md lock check outline
md lock clock
md lock minus
md lock minus outline
md lock off
md lock off outline
md lock open
md lock open alert
md lock open alert outline
md lock open check
md lock open check outline
md lock open minus
md lock open minus outline
md lock open outline
md lock open plus
md lock open plus outline
md lock open remove
md lock open remove outline
md lock open variant
md lock open variant outline
md lock outline
md lock pattern
md lock plus
md lock plus outline
md lock question
md lock remove
md lock remove outline
md lock reset
md lock smart
md locker
md locker multiple
md login
md logout
md logout variant
md longitude
md looks
md lotion
md lotion outline
md lotion plus
md lotion plus outline
md loupe
md lumx
md lungs
md mace
md magazine pistol
md magazine rifle
md magic staff
md magnet
md magnet on
md magnify
md magnify close
md magnify expand
md magnify minus
md magnify minus cursor
md magnify minus outline
md magnify plus
md magnify plus cursor
md magnify plus outline
md magnify remove cursor
md magnify remove outline
md magnify scan
md mail
md mailbox
md mailbox open
md mailbox open outline
md mailbox open up
md mailbox open up outline
md mailbox outline
md mailbox up
md mailbox up outline
md manjaro
md map
md map check
md map check outline
md map clock
md map clock outline
md map legend
md map marker
md map marker account
md map marker account outline
md map marker alert
md map marker alert outline
md map marker check
md map marker check outline
md map marker circle
md map marker distance
md map marker down
md map marker left
md map marker left outline
md map marker minus
md map marker minus outline
md map marker multiple
md map marker multiple outline
md map marker off
md map marker off outline
md map marker outline
md map marker path
md map marker plus
md map marker plus outline
md map marker question
md map marker question outline
md map marker radius
md map marker radius outline
md map marker remove
md map marker remove outline
md map marker remove variant
md map marker right
md map marker right outline
md map marker star
md map marker star outline
md map marker up
md map minus
md map outline
md map plus
md map search
md map search outline
md mapbox
md margin
md marker
md marker cancel
md marker check
md mastodon
md material design
md material ui
md math compass
md math cos
md math integral
md math integral box
md math log
md math norm
md math norm box
md math sin
md math tan
md matrix
md medal
md medal outline
md medical bag
md medical cotton swab
md meditation
md memory
md menorah
md menorah fire
md menu
md menu down
md menu down outline
md menu left
md menu left outline
md menu open
md menu right
md menu right outline
md menu swap
md menu swap outline
md menu up
md menu up outline
md merge
md message
md message alert
md message alert outline
md message arrow left
md message arrow left outline
md message arrow right
md message arrow right outline
md message badge
md message badge outline
md message bookmark
md message bookmark outline
md message bulleted
md message bulleted off
md message cog
md message cog outline
md message draw
md message fast
md message fast outline
md message flash
md message flash outline
md message image
md message image outline
md message lock
md message lock outline
md message minus
md message minus outline
md message off
md message off outline
md message outline
md message plus
md message plus outline
md message processing
md message processing outline
md message question
md message question outline
md message reply
md message reply outline
md message reply text
md message reply text outline
md message settings
md message settings outline
md message star
md message star outline
md message text
md message text clock
md message text clock outline
md message text fast
md message text fast outline
md message text lock
md message text lock outline
md message text outline
md message video
md meteor
md meter electric
md meter electric outline
md meter gas
md meter gas outline
md metronome
md metronome tick
md micro sd
md microphone
md microphone minus
md microphone off
md microphone outline
md microphone plus
md microphone question
md microphone question outline
md microphone settings
md microphone variant
md microphone variant off
md microscope
md microsoft
md microsoft access
md microsoft azure
md microsoft azure devops
md microsoft bing
md microsoft dynamics 365
md microsoft edge
md microsoft excel
md microsoft internet explorer
md microsoft office
md microsoft onedrive
md microsoft onenote
md microsoft outlook
md microsoft powerpoint
md microsoft sharepoint
md microsoft teams
md microsoft visual studio
md microsoft visual studio code
md microsoft windows
md microsoft windows classic
md microsoft word
md microsoft xbox
md microsoft xbox controller
md microsoft xbox controller battery alert
md microsoft xbox controller battery charging
md microsoft xbox controller battery empty
md microsoft xbox controller battery full
md microsoft xbox controller battery low
md microsoft xbox controller battery medium
md microsoft xbox controller battery unknown
md microsoft xbox controller menu
md microsoft xbox controller off
md microsoft xbox controller view
md microwave
md microwave off
md middleware
md middleware outline
md midi
md midi port
md mine
md minecraft
md mini sd
md minidisc
md minus
md minus box
md minus box multiple
md minus box multiple outline
md minus box outline
md minus circle
md minus circle multiple
md minus circle multiple outline
md minus circle off
md minus circle off outline
md minus circle outline
md minus network
md minus network outline
md minus thick
md mirror
md mirror rectangle
md mirror variant
md mixed martial arts
md mixed reality
md molecule
md molecule co
md molecule co2
md monitor
md monitor account
md monitor arrow down
md monitor arrow down variant
md monitor cellphone
md monitor cellphone star
md monitor dashboard
md monitor edit
md monitor eye
md monitor lock
md monitor multiple
md monitor off
md monitor screenshot
md monitor share
md monitor shimmer
md monitor small
md monitor speaker
md monitor speaker off
md monitor star
md moon first quarter
md moon full
md moon last quarter
md moon new
md moon waning crescent
md moon waning gibbous
md moon waxing crescent
md moon waxing gibbous
md moped
md moped electric
md moped electric outline
md moped outline
md more
md mortar pestle
md mortar pestle plus
md mosque
md mother heart
md mother nurse
md motion
md motion outline
md motion pause
md motion pause outline
md motion play
md motion play outline
md motion sensor
md motion sensor off
md motorbike
md motorbike electric
md mouse
md mouse bluetooth
md mouse move down
md mouse move up
md mouse move vertical
md mouse off
md mouse variant
md mouse variant off
md move resize
md move resize variant
md movie
md movie check
md movie check outline
md movie cog
md movie cog outline
md movie edit
md movie edit outline
md movie filter
md movie filter outline
md movie minus
md movie minus outline
md movie off
md movie off outline
md movie open
md movie open check
md movie open check outline
md movie open cog
md movie open cog outline
md movie open edit
md movie open edit outline
md movie open minus
md movie open minus outline
md movie open off
md movie open off outline
md movie open outline
md movie open play
md movie open play outline
md movie open plus
md movie open plus outline
md movie open remove
md movie open remove outline
md movie open settings
md movie open settings outline
md movie open star
md movie open star outline
md movie outline
md movie play
md movie play outline
md movie plus
md movie plus outline
md movie remove
md movie remove outline
md movie roll
md movie search
md movie search outline
md movie settings
md movie settings outline
md movie star
md movie star outline
md mower
md mower bag
md muffin
md multicast
md multiplication
md multiplication box
md mushroom
md mushroom off
md mushroom off outline
md mushroom outline
md music
md music accidental double flat
md music accidental double sharp
md music accidental flat
md music accidental natural
md music accidental sharp
md music box
md music box multiple
md music box multiple outline
md music box outline
md music circle
md music circle outline
md music clef alto
md music clef bass
md music clef treble
md music note
md music note bluetooth
md music note bluetooth off
md music note eighth dotted
md music note half
md music note half dotted
md music note off
md music note off outline
md music note outline
md music note plus
md music note quarter
md music note quarter dotted
md music note sixteenth
md music note sixteenth dotted
md music note whole
md music note whole dotted
md music off
md music rest eighth
md music rest half
md music rest quarter
md music rest sixteenth
md music rest whole
md mustache
md nail
md nas
md nativescript
md nature
md nature people
md navigation
md navigation outline
md navigation variant outline
md near me
md necklace
md needle
md needle off
md netflix
md network
md network off
md network off outline
md network outline
md network pos
md network strength 1
md network strength 1 alert
md network strength 2
md network strength 2 alert
md network strength 3
md network strength 3 alert
md network strength 4
md network strength 4 alert
md network strength 4 cog
md network strength off
md network strength off outline
md network strength outline
md new box
md newspaper
md newspaper check
md newspaper minus
md newspaper plus
md newspaper remove
md newspaper variant
md newspaper variant multiple
md newspaper variant multiple outline
md newspaper variant outline
md nfc
md nfc search variant
md nfc tap
md nfc variant
md nfc variant off
md ninja
md nintendo game boy
md nintendo switch
md nintendo wii
md nintendo wiiu
md nix
md nodejs
md noodles
md not equal
md not equal variant
md note
md note alert
md note alert outline
md note check
md note check outline
md note edit
md note edit outline
md note minus
md note minus outline
md note multiple
md note multiple outline
md note off
md note off outline
md note outline
md note plus
md note plus outline
md note remove
md note remove outline
md note search
md note search outline
md note text
md note text outline
md notebook
md notebook check
md notebook check outline
md notebook edit
md notebook edit outline
md notebook heart
md notebook heart outline
md notebook minus
md notebook minus outline
md notebook multiple
md notebook outline
md notebook plus
md notebook plus outline
md notebook remove
md notebook remove outline
md notification clear all
md npm
md nuke
md null
md numeric
md numeric 0 box
md numeric 0 box multiple
md numeric 0 box multiple outline
md numeric 0 box outline
md numeric 1
md numeric 10
md numeric 10 box
md numeric 10 box multiple
md numeric 10 box multiple outline
md numeric 10 box outline
md numeric 10 circle
md numeric 10 circle outline
md numeric 1 box
md numeric 1 box multiple
md numeric 1 box multiple outline
md numeric 1 box outline
md numeric 1 circle
md numeric 1 circle outline
md numeric 2
md numeric 2 box
md numeric 2 box multiple
md numeric 2 box multiple outline
md numeric 2 box outline
md numeric 2 circle
md numeric 2 circle outline
md numeric 3
md numeric 3 box
md numeric 3 box multiple
md numeric 3 box multiple outline
md numeric 3 box outline
md numeric 3 circle
md numeric 3 circle outline
md numeric 4
md numeric 4 box
md numeric 4 box multiple
md numeric 4 box multiple outline
md numeric 4 box outline
md numeric 4 circle
md numeric 4 circle outline
md numeric 5
md numeric 5 box
md numeric 5 box multiple
md numeric 5 box multiple outline
md numeric 5 box outline
md numeric 5 circle
md numeric 5 circle outline
md numeric 6
md numeric 6 box
md numeric 6 box multiple
md numeric 6 box multiple outline
md numeric 6 box outline
md numeric 6 circle
md numeric 6 circle outline
md numeric 7
md numeric 7 box
md numeric 7 box multiple
md numeric 7 box multiple outline
md numeric 7 box outline
md numeric 7 circle
md numeric 7 circle outline
md numeric 8
md numeric 8 box
md numeric 8 box multiple
md numeric 8 box multiple outline
md numeric 8 box outline
md numeric 8 circle
md numeric 8 circle outline
md numeric 9
md numeric 9 box
md numeric 9 box multiple
md numeric 9 box multiple outline
md numeric 9 box outline
md numeric 9 circle
md numeric 9 circle outline
md numeric 9 plus
md numeric 9 plus box
md numeric 9 plus box multiple
md numeric 9 plus box multiple outline
md numeric 9 plus box outline
md numeric 9 plus circle
md numeric 9 plus circle outline
md numeric negative 1
md numeric off
md numeric positive 1
md nut
md nutrition
md nuxt
md oar
md ocarina
md oci
md ocr
md octagon
md octagon outline
md octagram
md octagram outline
md octahedron
md octahedron off
md odnoklassniki
md offer
md office building
md office building cog
md office building cog outline
md office building marker
md office building marker outline
md office building outline
md oil
md oil lamp
md oil level
md oil temperature
md om
md omega
md one up
md onepassword
md opacity
md open in app
md open in new
md open source initiative
md openid
md opera
md orbit
md orbit variant
md order alphabetical ascending
md order alphabetical descending
md order bool ascending
md order bool ascending variant
md order bool descending
md order bool descending variant
md order numeric ascending
md order numeric descending
md origin
md ornament
md ornament variant
md outdoor lamp
md overscan
md owl
md pac man
md package
md package down
md package up
md package variant
md package variant closed
md package variant closed minus
md package variant closed plus
md package variant closed remove
md package variant minus
md package variant plus
md package variant remove
md page first
md page last
md page layout body
md page layout footer
md page layout header
md page layout header footer
md page layout sidebar left
md page layout sidebar right
md page next
md page next outline
md page previous
md page previous outline
md pail
md pail minus
md pail minus outline
md pail off
md pail off outline
md pail outline
md pail plus
md pail plus outline
md pail remove
md pail remove outline
md palette
md palette advanced
md palette outline
md palette swatch
md palette swatch outline
md palette swatch variant
md palm tree
md pan
md pan bottom left
md pan bottom right
md pan down
md pan horizontal
md pan left
md pan right
md pan top left
md pan top right
md pan up
md pan vertical
md panda
md pandora
md panorama
md panorama fisheye
md panorama horizontal
md panorama horizontal outline
md panorama outline
md panorama sphere
md panorama sphere outline
md panorama variant
md panorama variant outline
md panorama vertical
md panorama vertical outline
md panorama wide angle
md panorama wide angle outline
md paper cut vertical
md paper roll
md paper roll outline
md paperclip
md paperclip check
md paperclip lock
md paperclip minus
md paperclip off
md paperclip plus
md paperclip remove
md parachute
md parachute outline
md paragliding
md parking
md party popper
md passport
md passport biometric
md pasta
md patio heater
md patreon
md pause
md pause circle
md pause circle outline
md pause octagon
md pause octagon outline
md paw
md paw off
md paw off outline
md paw outline
md peace
md peanut
md peanut off
md peanut off outline
md peanut outline
md pen
md pen lock
md pen minus
md pen off
md pen plus
md pen remove
md pencil
md pencil box
md pencil box multiple
md pencil box multiple outline
md pencil box outline
md pencil circle
md pencil circle outline
md pencil lock
md pencil lock outline
md pencil minus
md pencil minus outline
md pencil off
md pencil off outline
md pencil outline
md pencil plus
md pencil plus outline
md pencil remove
md pencil remove outline
md pencil ruler
md penguin
md pentagon
md pentagon outline
md pentagram
md percent
md percent box
md percent box outline
md percent circle
md percent circle outline
md percent outline
md periodic table
md perspective less
md perspective more
md ph
md phone
md phone alert
md phone alert outline
md phone bluetooth
md phone bluetooth outline
md phone cancel
md phone cancel outline
md phone check
md phone check outline
md phone classic
md phone classic off
md phone clock
md phone dial
md phone dial outline
md phone forward
md phone forward outline
md phone hangup
md phone hangup outline
md phone in talk
md phone in talk outline
md phone incoming
md phone incoming outline
md phone lock
md phone lock outline
md phone log
md phone log outline
md phone message
md phone message outline
md phone minus
md phone minus outline
md phone missed
md phone missed outline
md phone off
md phone off outline
md phone outgoing
md phone outgoing outline
md phone outline
md phone paused
md phone paused outline
md phone plus
md phone plus outline
md phone refresh
md phone refresh outline
md phone remove
md phone remove outline
md phone return
md phone return outline
md phone ring
md phone ring outline
md phone rotate landscape
md phone rotate portrait
md phone settings
md phone settings outline
md phone sync
md phone sync outline
md phone voip
md pi
md pi box
md pi hole
md piano
md piano off
md pickaxe
md picture in picture bottom right
md picture in picture bottom right outline
md picture in picture top right
md picture in picture top right outline
md pier
md pier crane
md pig
md pig variant
md pig variant outline
md piggy bank
md piggy bank outline
md pill
md pill off
md pillar
md pin
md pin off
md pin off outline
md pin outline
md pine tree
md pine tree box
md pine tree fire
md pinterest
md pinwheel
md pinwheel outline
md pipe
md pipe disconnected
md pipe leak
md pipe valve
md pipe wrench
md pirate
md pistol
md piston
md pitchfork
md pizza
md play
md play box
md play box lock
md play box lock open
md play box lock open outline
md play box lock outline
md play box multiple
md play box multiple outline
md play box outline
md play circle
md play circle outline
md play network
md play network outline
md play outline
md play pause
md play protected content
md play speed
md playlist check
md playlist edit
md playlist minus
md playlist music
md playlist music outline
md playlist play
md playlist plus
md playlist remove
md playlist star
md plex
md pliers
md plus
md plus box
md plus box multiple
md plus box multiple outline
md plus box outline
md plus circle
md plus circle multiple
md plus circle multiple outline
md plus circle outline
md plus lock
md plus lock open
md plus minus
md plus minus box
md plus minus variant
md plus network
md plus network outline
md plus outline
md plus thick
md podcast
md podium
md podium bronze
md podium gold
md podium silver
md point of sale
md pokeball
md pokemon go
md poker chip
md polaroid
md police badge
md police badge outline
md police station
md poll
md polo
md polymer
md pool
md pool thermometer
md popcorn
md post
md post lamp
md post outline
md postage stamp
md pot
md pot mix
md pot mix outline
md pot outline
md pot steam
md pot steam outline
md pound
md pound box
md pound box outline
md power
md power cycle
md power off
md power on
md power plug
md power plug off
md power plug off outline
md power plug outline
md power settings
md power sleep
md power socket
md power socket au
md power socket ch
md power socket de
md power socket eu
md power socket fr
md power socket it
md power socket jp
md power socket uk
md power socket us
md power standby
md powershell
md prescription
md presentation
md presentation play
md pretzel
md printer
md printer 3d
md printer 3d nozzle
md printer 3d nozzle alert
md printer 3d nozzle alert outline
md printer 3d nozzle heat
md printer 3d nozzle heat outline
md printer 3d nozzle outline
md printer alert
md printer check
md printer eye
md printer off
md printer off outline
md printer outline
md printer pos
md printer search
md printer settings
md printer wireless
md priority high
md priority low
md professional hexagon
md progress alert
md progress check
md progress clock
md progress close
md progress download
md progress pencil
md progress question
md progress star
md progress upload
md progress wrench
md projector
md projector off
md projector screen
md projector screen off
md projector screen off outline
md projector screen outline
md projector screen variant
md projector screen variant off
md projector screen variant off outline
md projector screen variant outline
md propane tank
md propane tank outline
md protocol
md publish
md publish off
md pulse
md pump
md pumpkin
md purse
md purse outline
md puzzle
md puzzle check
md puzzle check outline
md puzzle edit
md puzzle edit outline
md puzzle heart
md puzzle heart outline
md puzzle minus
md puzzle minus outline
md puzzle outline
md puzzle plus
md puzzle plus outline
md puzzle remove
md puzzle remove outline
md puzzle star
md puzzle star outline
md pyramid
md pyramid off
md qi
md qqchat
md qrcode
md qrcode edit
md qrcode minus
md qrcode plus
md qrcode remove
md qrcode scan
md quadcopter
md quality high
md quality low
md quality medium
md quora
md rabbit
md rabbit variant
md rabbit variant outline
md racing helmet
md racquetball
md radar
md radiator
md radiator disabled
md radiator off
md radio
md radio am
md radio fm
md radio handheld
md radio off
md radio tower
md radioactive
md radioactive circle
md radioactive circle outline
md radioactive off
md radiobox marked
md radiology box
md radiology box outline
md radius
md radius outline
md railroad light
md rake
md raspberry pi
md raw
md raw off
md ray end
md ray end arrow
md ray start
md ray start arrow
md ray start end
md ray start vertex end
md ray vertex
md razor double edge
md razor single edge
md react
md read
md receipt
md receipt outline
md receipt text check
md receipt text check outline
md receipt text minus
md receipt text minus outline
md receipt text plus
md receipt text plus outline
md receipt text remove
md receipt text remove outline
md record
md record circle
md record circle outline
md record player
md record rec
md rectangle
md rectangle outline
md recycle
md recycle variant
md reddit
md redhat
md redo
md redo variant
md reflect horizontal
md reflect vertical
md refresh
md refresh auto
md refresh circle
md regex
md registered trademark
md reiterate
md relation many to many
md relation many to one
md relation many to one or many
md relation many to only one
md relation many to zero or many
md relation many to zero or one
md relation one or many to many
md relation one or many to one
md relation one or many to one or many
md relation one or many to only one
md relation one or many to zero or many
md relation one or many to zero or one
md relation one to many
md relation one to one
md relation one to one or many
md relation one to only one
md relation one to zero or many
md relation one to zero or one
md relation only one to many
md relation only one to one
md relation only one to one or many
md relation only one to only one
md relation only one to zero or many
md relation only one to zero or one
md relation zero or many to many
md relation zero or many to one
md relation zero or many to one or many
md relation zero or many to only one
md relation zero or many to zero or many
md relation zero or many to zero or one
md relation zero or one to many
md relation zero or one to one
md relation zero or one to one or many
md relation zero or one to only one
md relation zero or one to zero or many
md relation zero or one to zero or one
md relative scale
md reload
md reload alert
md reminder
md remote
md remote desktop
md remote off
md remote tv
md remote tv off
md rename box
md reorder horizontal
md reorder vertical
md repeat
md repeat off
md repeat once
md repeat variant
md replay
md reply
md reply all
md reply all outline
md reply circle
md reply outline
md reproduction
md resistor
md resistor nodes
md resize
md resize bottom right
md responsive
md restart
md restart alert
md restart off
md restore
md restore alert
md rewind
md rewind 10
md rewind 15
md rewind 30
md rewind 5
md rewind 60
md rewind outline
md rhombus
md rhombus medium
md rhombus medium outline
md rhombus outline
md rhombus split
md rhombus split outline
md ribbon
md rice
md rickshaw
md rickshaw electric
md ring
md rivet
md road
md road variant
md robber
md robot
md robot angry
md robot angry outline
md robot confused
md robot confused outline
md robot dead
md robot dead outline
md robot excited
md robot excited outline
md robot happy
md robot happy outline
md robot industrial
md robot industrial outline
md robot love
md robot love outline
md robot mower
md robot mower outline
md robot off
md robot off outline
md robot outline
md robot vacuum
md robot vacuum variant
md rocket
md rocket launch
md rocket launch outline
md rocket outline
md rodent
md roller shade
md roller shade closed
md roller skate
md roller skate off
md rollerblade
md rollerblade off
md rollupjs
md rolodex
md rolodex outline
md roman numeral 2
md roman numeral 3
md roman numeral 4
md roman numeral 6
md roman numeral 7
md roman numeral 8
md roman numeral 9
md room service
md room service outline
md rotate 360
md rotate 3d
md rotate 3d variant
md rotate left
md rotate left variant
md rotate orbit
md rotate right
md rotate right variant
md rounded corner
md router
md router network
md router wireless
md router wireless off
md router wireless settings
md routes
md routes clock
md rowing
md rss
md rss box
md rss off
md rug
md rugby
md ruler
md ruler square
md ruler square compass
md run
md run fast
md rv truck
md sack
md sack percent
md safe
md safe square
md safe square outline
md safety goggles
md sail boat
md sail boat sink
md sale
md sale outline
md salesforce
md sass
md satellite
md satellite uplink
md satellite variant
md sausage
md sausage off
md saw blade
md sawtooth wave
md saxophone
md scale
md scale balance
md scale bathroom
md scale off
md scale unbalanced
md scan helper
md scanner
md scanner off
md scatter plot
md scatter plot outline
md scent
md scent off
md school
md school outline
md scissors cutting
md scooter
md scooter electric
md scoreboard
md scoreboard outline
md screen rotation
md screen rotation lock
md screw flat top
md screw lag
md screw machine flat top
md screw machine round top
md screw round top
md screwdriver
md script
md script outline
md script text
md script text key
md script text key outline
md script text outline
md script text play
md script text play outline
md sd
md seal
md seal variant
md search web
md seat
md seat flat
md seat flat angled
md seat individual suite
md seat legroom extra
md seat legroom normal
md seat legroom reduced
md seat outline
md seat passenger
md seat recline extra
md seat recline normal
md seatbelt
md security
md security network
md seed
md seed off
md seed off outline
md seed outline
md seed plus
md seed plus outline
md seesaw
md segment
md select
md select all
md select color
md select compare
md select drag
md select group
md select inverse
md select marker
md select multiple
md select multiple marker
md select off
md select place
md select remove
md select search
md selection
md selection drag
md selection ellipse
md selection ellipse arrow inside
md selection ellipse remove
md selection marker
md selection multiple
md selection multiple marker
md selection off
md selection remove
md selection search
md semantic web
md send
md send check
md send check outline
md send circle
md send circle outline
md send clock
md send clock outline
md send lock
md send lock outline
md send outline
md serial port
md server
md server minus
md server network
md server network off
md server off
md server plus
md server remove
md server security
md set all
md set center
md set center right
md set left
md set left center
md set left right
md set merge
md set none
md set right
md set split
md set square
md set top box
md settings helper
md shaker
md shaker outline
md shape
md shape circle plus
md shape outline
md shape oval plus
md shape plus
md shape polygon plus
md shape rectangle plus
md shape square plus
md shape square rounded plus
md share
md share all
md share all outline
md share circle
md share off
md share off outline
md share outline
md share variant
md share variant outline
md shark
md shark fin
md shark fin outline
md shark off
md sheep
md shield
md shield account
md shield account outline
md shield account variant
md shield account variant outline
md shield airplane
md shield airplane outline
md shield alert
md shield alert outline
md shield bug
md shield bug outline
md shield car
md shield check
md shield check outline
md shield cross
md shield cross outline
md shield crown
md shield crown outline
md shield edit
md shield edit outline
md shield half
md shield half full
md shield home
md shield home outline
md shield key
md shield key outline
md shield link variant
md shield link variant outline
md shield lock
md shield lock open
md shield lock open outline
md shield lock outline
md shield moon
md shield moon outline
md shield off
md shield off outline
md shield outline
md shield plus
md shield plus outline
md shield refresh
md shield refresh outline
md shield remove
md shield remove outline
md shield search
md shield star
md shield star outline
md shield sun
md shield sun outline
md shield sword
md shield sword outline
md shield sync
md shield sync outline
md shimmer
md ship wheel
md shipping pallet
md shoe ballet
md shoe cleat
md shoe formal
md shoe heel
md shoe print
md shoe sneaker
md shopping
md shopping music
md shopping outline
md shopping search
md shopping search outline
md shore
md shovel
md shovel off
md shower
md shower head
md shredder
md shuffle
md shuffle disabled
md shuffle variant
md shuriken
md sickle
md sigma
md sigma lower
md sign caution
md sign direction
md sign direction minus
md sign direction plus
md sign direction remove
md sign pole
md sign real estate
md sign text
md signal
md signal 2g
md signal 3g
md signal 4g
md signal 5g
md signal cellular 1
md signal cellular 2
md signal cellular 3
md signal cellular outline
md signal distance variant
md signal hspa
md signal hspa plus
md signal off
md signal variant
md signature
md signature freehand
md signature image
md signature text
md silo
md silverware
md silverware clean
md silverware fork
md silverware fork knife
md silverware spoon
md silverware variant
md sim
md sim alert
md sim alert outline
md sim off
md sim off outline
md sim outline
md simple icons
md sina weibo
md sine wave
md sitemap
md sitemap outline
md size m
md size s
md size xl
md size xs
md size xxl
md size xxs
md size xxxl
md skate
md skate off
md skateboard
md skateboarding
md skew less
md skew more
md ski
md ski cross country
md ski water
md skip backward
md skip backward outline
md skip forward
md skip forward outline
md skip next
md skip next circle
md skip next circle outline
md skip next outline
md skip previous
md skip previous circle
md skip previous circle outline
md skip previous outline
md skull
md skull crossbones
md skull crossbones outline
md skull outline
md skull scan
md skull scan outline
md skype
md skype business
md slack
md slash forward
md slash forward box
md sledding
md sleep
md sleep off
md slide
md slope downhill
md slope uphill
md slot machine
md slot machine outline
md smart card
md smart card off
md smart card off outline
md smart card outline
md smart card reader
md smart card reader outline
md smog
md smoke
md smoke detector
md smoke detector alert
md smoke detector alert outline
md smoke detector off
md smoke detector off outline
md smoke detector outline
md smoke detector variant
md smoke detector variant alert
md smoke detector variant off
md smoking
md smoking off
md smoking pipe
md smoking pipe off
md snail
md snake
md snapchat
md snowboard
md snowflake
md snowflake alert
md snowflake check
md snowflake melt
md snowflake off
md snowflake thermometer
md snowflake variant
md snowman
md snowmobile
md snowshoeing
md soccer
md soccer field
md social distance 2 meters
md social distance 6 feet
md sofa
md sofa outline
md sofa single
md sofa single outline
md solar panel
md solar panel large
md solar power
md solar power variant
md solar power variant outline
md soldering iron
md solid
md sony playstation
md sort
md sort alphabetical ascending
md sort alphabetical ascending variant
md sort alphabetical descending
md sort alphabetical descending variant
md sort alphabetical variant
md sort ascending
md sort bool ascending
md sort bool ascending variant
md sort bool descending
md sort bool descending variant
md sort calendar ascending
md sort calendar descending
md sort clock ascending
md sort clock ascending outline
md sort clock descending
md sort clock descending outline
md sort descending
md sort numeric ascending
md sort numeric ascending variant
md sort numeric descending
md sort numeric descending variant
md sort numeric variant
md sort reverse variant
md sort variant
md sort variant lock
md sort variant lock open
md sort variant off
md sort variant remove
md soundbar
md soundcloud
md source branch
md source branch check
md source branch minus
md source branch plus
md source branch refresh
md source branch remove
md source branch sync
md source commit
md source commit end
md source commit end local
md source commit local
md source commit next local
md source commit start
md source commit start next local
md source fork
md source merge
md source pull
md source repository
md source repository multiple
md soy sauce
md soy sauce off
md spa
md spa outline
md space invaders
md space station
md spade
md speaker
md speaker bluetooth
md speaker multiple
md speaker off
md speaker wireless
md spear
md speedometer
md speedometer medium
md speedometer slow
md spellcheck
md sphere
md sphere off
md spider
md spider thread
md spider web
md spirit level
md spoon sugar
md spotify
md spotlight
md spotlight beam
md spray
md spray bottle
md sprinkler
md sprinkler fire
md sprinkler variant
md sprout
md sprout outline
md square
md square circle
md square edit outline
md square medium
md square medium outline
md square off
md square off outline
md square opacity
md square outline
md square root
md square root box
md square rounded
md square rounded badge
md square rounded badge outline
md square rounded outline
md square small
md square wave
md squeegee
md ssh
md stack exchange
md stack overflow
md stackpath
md stadium
md stadium variant
md stairs
md stairs box
md stairs down
md stairs up
md stamper
md standard definition
md star
md star box
md star box multiple
md star box multiple outline
md star box outline
md star check
md star check outline
md star circle
md star circle outline
md star cog
md star cog outline
md star crescent
md star david
md star face
md star four points
md star four points outline
md star half
md star half full
md star minus
md star minus outline
md star off
md star off outline
md star outline
md star plus
md star plus outline
md star remove
md star remove outline
md star settings
md star settings outline
md star shooting
md star shooting outline
md star three points
md star three points outline
md state machine
md steam
md steering
md steering off
md step backward
md step backward 2
md step forward
md step forward 2
md stethoscope
md sticker
md sticker alert
md sticker alert outline
md sticker check
md sticker check outline
md sticker circle outline
md sticker emoji
md sticker minus
md sticker minus outline
md sticker outline
md sticker plus
md sticker plus outline
md sticker remove
md sticker remove outline
md sticker text
md sticker text outline
md stocking
md stomach
md stool
md stool outline
md stop
md stop circle
md stop circle outline
md storage tank
md storage tank outline
md store
md store 24 hour
md store alert
md store alert outline
md store check
md store check outline
md store clock
md store clock outline
md store cog
md store cog outline
md store edit
md store edit outline
md store marker
md store marker outline
md store minus
md store minus outline
md store off
md store off outline
md store outline
md store plus
md store plus outline
md store remove
md store remove outline
md store search
md store search outline
md store settings
md store settings outline
md storefront
md storefront outline
md stove
md strategy
md stretch to page
md stretch to page outline
md string lights
md string lights off
md subdirectory arrow left
md subdirectory arrow right
md submarine
md subtitles
md subtitles outline
md subway
md subway alert variant
md subway variant
md summit
md sun clock
md sun clock outline
md sun compass
md sun snowflake
md sun snowflake variant
md sun thermometer
md sun thermometer outline
md sun wireless
md sun wireless outline
md sunglasses
md surfing
md surround sound
md surround sound 2 0
md surround sound 2 1
md surround sound 3 1
md surround sound 5 1
md surround sound 5 1 2
md surround sound 7 1
md svg
md swap horizontal
md swap horizontal bold
md swap horizontal circle
md swap horizontal circle outline
md swap horizontal variant
md swap vertical
md swap vertical bold
md swap vertical circle
md swap vertical circle outline
md swap vertical variant
md swim
md switch
md sword
md sword cross
md syllabary hangul
md syllabary hiragana
md syllabary katakana
md syllabary katakana halfwidth
md symbol
md symfony
md sync
md sync alert
md sync circle
md sync off
md tab
md tab minus
md tab plus
md tab remove
md tab search
md tab unselected
md table
md table account
md table alert
md table arrow down
md table arrow left
md table arrow right
md table arrow up
md table border
md table cancel
md table chair
md table check
md table clock
md table cog
md table column
md table column plus after
md table column plus before
md table column remove
md table column width
md table edit
md table eye
md table eye off
md table furniture
md table headers eye
md table headers eye off
md table heart
md table key
md table large
md table large plus
md table large remove
md table lock
md table merge cells
md table minus
md table multiple
md table network
md table of contents
md table off
md table picnic
md table pivot
md table plus
md table refresh
md table remove
md table row
md table row height
md table row plus after
md table row plus before
md table row remove
md table search
md table settings
md table split cell
md table star
md table sync
md table tennis
md tablet
md tablet android
md tablet cellphone
md tablet dashboard
md taco
md tag
md tag arrow down
md tag arrow down outline
md tag arrow left
md tag arrow left outline
md tag arrow right
md tag arrow right outline
md tag arrow up
md tag arrow up outline
md tag check
md tag check outline
md tag faces
md tag heart
md tag heart outline
md tag minus
md tag minus outline
md tag multiple
md tag multiple outline
md tag off
md tag off outline
md tag outline
md tag plus
md tag plus outline
md tag remove
md tag remove outline
md tag search
md tag search outline
md tag text
md tag text outline
md tailwind
md tally mark 1
md tally mark 2
md tally mark 3
md tally mark 4
md tally mark 5
md tangram
md tank
md tanker truck
md tape drive
md tape measure
md target
md target account
md target variant
md taxi
md tea
md tea outline
md teamviewer
md teddy bear
md telescope
md television
md television ambient light
md television box
md television classic
md television classic off
md television guide
md television off
md television pause
md television play
md television shimmer
md television stop
md temperature celsius
md temperature fahrenheit
md temperature kelvin
md tennis
md tennis ball
md tent
md terraform
md test tube
md test tube empty
md test tube off
md text
md text account
md text box
md text box check
md text box check outline
md text box edit
md text box edit outline
md text box minus
md text box minus outline
md text box multiple
md text box multiple outline
md text box outline
md text box plus
md text box plus outline
md text box remove
md text box remove outline
md text box search
md text box search outline
md text long
md text recognition
md text search
md text search variant
md text shadow
md text short
md text to speech
md text to speech off
md texture
md texture box
md theater
md theme light dark
md thermometer
md thermometer alert
md thermometer bluetooth
md thermometer check
md thermometer chevron down
md thermometer chevron up
md thermometer high
md thermometer lines
md thermometer low
md thermometer minus
md thermometer off
md thermometer plus
md thermometer water
md thermostat
md thermostat box
md thought bubble
md thought bubble outline
md thumb down
md thumb down outline
md thumb up
md thumb up outline
md thumbs up down
md thumbs up down outline
md ticket
md ticket account
md ticket confirmation
md ticket confirmation outline
md ticket outline
md ticket percent
md ticket percent outline
md tie
md tilde
md tilde off
md timelapse
md timeline
md timeline alert
md timeline alert outline
md timeline check
md timeline check outline
md timeline clock
md timeline clock outline
md timeline help
md timeline help outline
md timeline minus
md timeline minus outline
md timeline outline
md timeline plus
md timeline plus outline
md timeline remove
md timeline remove outline
md timeline text
md timeline text outline
md timer
md timer 10
md timer 3
md timer alert
md timer alert outline
md timer cancel
md timer cancel outline
md timer check
md timer check outline
md timer cog
md timer cog outline
md timer edit
md timer edit outline
md timer lock
md timer lock open
md timer lock open outline
md timer lock outline
md timer marker
md timer marker outline
md timer minus
md timer minus outline
md timer music
md timer music outline
md timer off
md timer off outline
md timer outline
md timer pause
md timer pause outline
md timer play
md timer play outline
md timer plus
md timer plus outline
md timer refresh
md timer refresh outline
md timer remove
md timer remove outline
md timer sand
md timer sand complete
md timer sand empty
md timer sand full
md timer sand paused
md timer settings
md timer settings outline
md timer star
md timer star outline
md timer stop
md timer stop outline
md timer sync
md timer sync outline
md timetable
md tire
md toaster
md toaster off
md toaster oven
md toggle switch
md toggle switch off
md toggle switch off outline
md toggle switch outline
md toggle switch variant
md toggle switch variant off
md toilet
md toolbox
md toolbox outline
md tools
md tooltip
md tooltip account
md tooltip cellphone
md tooltip check
md tooltip check outline
md tooltip edit
md tooltip edit outline
md tooltip image
md tooltip image outline
md tooltip minus
md tooltip minus outline
md tooltip outline
md tooltip plus
md tooltip plus outline
md tooltip remove
md tooltip remove outline
md tooltip text
md tooltip text outline
md tooth
md tooth outline
md toothbrush
md toothbrush electric
md toothbrush paste
md torch
md tortoise
md toslink
md tournament
md tow truck
md tower beach
md tower fire
md town hall
md toy brick
md toy brick marker
md toy brick marker outline
md toy brick minus
md toy brick minus outline
md toy brick outline
md toy brick plus
md toy brick plus outline
md toy brick remove
md toy brick remove outline
md toy brick search
md toy brick search outline
md track light
md trackpad
md trackpad lock
md tractor
md tractor variant
md trademark
md traffic cone
md traffic light
md traffic light outline
md train
md train car
md train car passenger
md train car passenger door
md train car passenger door open
md train car passenger variant
md train variant
md tram
md tram side
md transcribe
md transcribe close
md transfer
md transfer down
md transfer left
md transfer right
md transfer up
md transit connection
md transit connection horizontal
md transit connection variant
md transit detour
md transit skip
md transit transfer
md transition
md transition masked
md translate
md translate off
md transmission tower
md transmission tower export
md transmission tower import
md transmission tower off
md trash can
md trash can outline
md tray
md tray alert
md tray arrow down
md tray arrow up
md tray full
md tray minus
md tray plus
md tray remove
md treasure chest
md tree
md tree outline
md trello
md trending down
md trending neutral
md trending up
md triangle
md triangle outline
md triangle small down
md triangle small up
md triangle wave
md triforce
md trophy
md trophy award
md trophy broken
md trophy outline
md trophy variant
md trophy variant outline
md truck
md truck alert
md truck alert outline
md truck cargo container
md truck check
md truck check outline
md truck delivery
md truck delivery outline
md truck fast
md truck fast outline
md truck flatbed
md truck minus
md truck minus outline
md truck outline
md truck plus
md truck plus outline
md truck remove
md truck remove outline
md truck snowflake
md truck trailer
md trumpet
md tshirt crew
md tshirt crew outline
md tshirt v
md tshirt v outline
md tsunami
md tumble dryer
md tumble dryer alert
md tumble dryer off
md tune
md tune variant
md tune vertical
md tune vertical variant
md tunnel
md tunnel outline
md turbine
md turkey
md turnstile
md turnstile outline
md turtle
md twitch
md twitter
md two factor authentication
md typewriter
md ubisoft
md ubuntu
md ufo
md ufo outline
md ultra high definition
md umbraco
md umbrella
md umbrella beach
md umbrella beach outline
md umbrella closed
md umbrella closed outline
md umbrella closed variant
md umbrella outline
md undo
md undo variant
md unfold less horizontal
md unfold less vertical
md unfold more horizontal
md unfold more vertical
md ungroup
md unicode
md unicorn
md unicorn variant
md unicycle
md unity
md unreal
md update
md upload
md upload lock
md upload lock outline
md upload multiple
md upload network
md upload network outline
md upload off
md upload off outline
md upload outline
md usb
md usb flash drive
md usb flash drive outline
md usb port
md vacuum
md vacuum outline
md valve
md valve closed
md valve open
md van passenger
md van utility
md vanish
md vanish quarter
md vanity light
md variable
md variable box
md vector arrange above
md vector arrange below
md vector bezier
md vector circle
md vector circle variant
md vector combine
md vector curve
md vector difference
md vector difference ab
md vector difference ba
md vector ellipse
md vector intersection
md vector line
md vector link
md vector point
md vector polygon
md vector polygon variant
md vector polyline
md vector polyline edit
md vector polyline minus
md vector polyline plus
md vector polyline remove
md vector radius
md vector rectangle
md vector selection
md vector square
md vector square close
md vector square edit
md vector square minus
md vector square open
md vector square plus
md vector square remove
md vector triangle
md vector union
md vhs
md vibrate
md vibrate off
md video
md video 2d
md video 3d
md video 3d off
md video 3d variant
md video 4k box
md video account
md video box
md video box off
md video check
md video check outline
md video high definition
md video image
md video input antenna
md video input component
md video input hdmi
md video input scart
md video input svideo
md video marker
md video marker outline
md video minus
md video minus outline
md video off
md video off outline
md video outline
md video plus
md video plus outline
md video stabilization
md video switch
md video switch outline
md video vintage
md video wireless
md video wireless outline
md view agenda
md view agenda outline
md view array
md view array outline
md view carousel
md view carousel outline
md view column
md view column outline
md view comfy
md view comfy outline
md view compact
md view compact outline
md view dashboard
md view dashboard edit
md view dashboard edit outline
md view dashboard outline
md view dashboard variant
md view dashboard variant outline
md view day
md view day outline
md view gallery
md view gallery outline
md view grid
md view grid outline
md view grid plus
md view grid plus outline
md view headline
md view list
md view list outline
md view module
md view module outline
md view parallel
md view parallel outline
md view quilt
md view quilt outline
md view sequential
md view sequential outline
md view split horizontal
md view split vertical
md view stream
md view stream outline
md view week
md view week outline
md vimeo
md violin
md virtual reality
md virus
md virus off
md virus off outline
md virus outline
md vlc
md voicemail
md volcano
md volcano outline
md volleyball
md volume high
md volume low
md volume medium
md volume minus
md volume mute
md volume off
md volume plus
md volume source
md volume variant off
md volume vibrate
md vote
md vote outline
md vpn
md vuejs
md vuetify
md walk
md wall
md wall fire
md wall sconce
md wall sconce flat
md wall sconce flat outline
md wall sconce flat variant
md wall sconce flat variant outline
md wall sconce outline
md wall sconce round
md wall sconce round outline
md wall sconce round variant
md wall sconce round variant outline
md wallet
md wallet giftcard
md wallet membership
md wallet outline
md wallet plus
md wallet plus outline
md wallet travel
md wallpaper
md wan
md wardrobe
md wardrobe outline
md warehouse
md washing machine
md washing machine alert
md washing machine off
md watch
md watch export
md watch export variant
md watch import
md watch import variant
md watch variant
md watch vibrate
md watch vibrate off
md water
md water alert
md water alert outline
md water boiler
md water boiler alert
md water boiler off
md water check
md water check outline
md water circle
md water minus
md water minus outline
md water off
md water off outline
md water opacity
md water outline
md water percent
md water percent alert
md water plus
md water plus outline
md water polo
md water pump
md water pump off
md water remove
md water remove outline
md water sync
md water thermometer
md water thermometer outline
md water well
md water well outline
md waterfall
md watering can
md watering can outline
md watermark
md wave
md waveform
md waves
md waves arrow left
md waves arrow right
md waves arrow up
md waze
md weather cloudy
md weather cloudy alert
md weather cloudy arrow right
md weather cloudy clock
md weather fog
md weather hail
md weather hazy
md weather hurricane
md weather lightning
md weather lightning rainy
md weather night
md weather night partly cloudy
md weather partly cloudy
md weather partly lightning
md weather partly rainy
md weather partly snowy
md weather partly snowy rainy
md weather pouring
md weather rainy
md weather snowy
md weather snowy heavy
md weather snowy rainy
md weather sunny
md weather sunny alert
md weather sunny off
md weather sunset
md weather sunset down
md weather sunset up
md weather tornado
md weather windy
md weather windy variant
md web
md web box
md web cancel
md web check
md web clock
md web minus
md web off
md web plus
md web refresh
md web remove
md web sync
md webcam
md webcam off
md webhook
md webpack
md webrtc
md wechat
md weight
md weight gram
md weight kilogram
md weight lifter
md weight pound
md whatsapp
md wheel barrow
md wheelchair
md wheelchair accessibility
md whistle
md whistle outline
md white balance auto
md white balance incandescent
md white balance iridescent
md white balance sunny
md widgets
md widgets outline
md wifi
md wifi alert
md wifi arrow down
md wifi arrow left
md wifi arrow left right
md wifi arrow right
md wifi arrow up
md wifi arrow up down
md wifi cancel
md wifi check
md wifi cog
md wifi lock
md wifi lock open
md wifi marker
md wifi minus
md wifi off
md wifi plus
md wifi refresh
md wifi remove
md wifi settings
md wifi star
md wifi strength 1
md wifi strength 1 alert
md wifi strength 1 lock
md wifi strength 1 lock open
md wifi strength 2
md wifi strength 2 alert
md wifi strength 2 lock
md wifi strength 2 lock open
md wifi strength 3
md wifi strength 3 alert
md wifi strength 3 lock
md wifi strength 3 lock open
md wifi strength 4
md wifi strength 4 alert
md wifi strength 4 lock
md wifi strength 4 lock open
md wifi strength alert outline
md wifi strength lock open outline
md wifi strength lock outline
md wifi strength off
md wifi strength off outline
md wifi strength outline
md wifi sync
md wikipedia
md wind power
md wind power outline
md wind turbine
md wind turbine alert
md wind turbine check
md window close
md window closed
md window closed variant
md window maximize
md window minimize
md window open
md window open variant
md window restore
md window shutter
md window shutter alert
md window shutter cog
md window shutter open
md window shutter settings
md windsock
md wiper
md wiper wash
md wiper wash alert
md wizard hat
md wordpress
md wrap
md wrap disabled
md wrench
md wrench clock
md wrench outline
md xamarin
md xml
md xmpp
md yahoo
md yeast
md yin yang
md yoga
md youtube
md youtube gaming
md youtube studio
md youtube subscription
md youtube tv
md yurt
md z wave
md zend
md zigbee
md zip box
md zip box outline
md zip disk
md zodiac aquarius
md zodiac aries
md zodiac cancer
md zodiac capricorn
md zodiac gemini
md zodiac leo
md zodiac libra
md zodiac pisces
md zodiac sagittarius
md zodiac scorpio
md zodiac taurus
md zodiac virgo
oct alert
oct arrow down
oct arrow left
oct arrow right
oct arrow small down
oct arrow small left
oct arrow small right
oct arrow small up
oct arrow up
oct beaker
oct bell
oct bold
oct book
oct bookmark
oct briefcase
oct broadcast
oct browser
oct bug
oct calendar
oct check
oct checklist
oct chevron down
oct chevron left
oct chevron right
oct chevron up
oct circle slash
oct circuit board
oct clippy
oct clock
oct cloud download
oct cloud upload
oct code
oct comment
oct comment discussion
oct credit card
oct dash
oct dashboard
oct database
oct desktop download
oct device camera
oct device camera video
oct device desktop
oct device mobile
oct diff
oct diff added
oct diff ignored
oct diff modified
oct diff removed
oct diff renamed
oct ellipses
oct ellipsis
oct eye
oct file
oct file binary
oct file code
oct file directory
oct file media
oct file pdf
oct file submodule
oct file symlink directory
oct file symlink file
oct file text
oct file zip
oct flame
oct fold
oct gear
oct gift
oct gist
oct gist secret
oct git branch
oct git commit
oct git compare
oct git merge
oct git pull request
oct globe
oct grabber
oct graph
♥ oct heart
oct history
oct home
oct horizontal rule
oct hubot
oct inbox
oct info
oct issue closed
oct issue opened
oct issue reopened
oct italic
oct jersey
oct key
oct keyboard
oct law
oct light bulb
oct link
oct link external
oct list ordered
oct list unordered
oct location
oct lock
oct logo gist
oct logo github
oct mail
oct mail read
oct mail reply
oct mark github
oct markdown
oct megaphone
oct mention
oct milestone
oct mirror
oct mortar board
oct mute
oct no newline
oct octoface
oct organization
oct package
oct paintcan
oct pencil
oct person
oct pin
oct plug
oct plus
oct plus small
oct primitive dot
oct primitive square
oct pulse
oct question
oct quote
oct radio tower
oct reply
oct repo
oct repo clone
oct repo force push
oct repo forked
oct repo pull
oct repo push
oct rocket
oct rss
oct ruby
oct search
oct server
oct settings
oct shield
oct sign in
oct sign out
oct smiley
oct squirrel
oct star
oct stop
oct sync
oct tag
oct tasklist
oct telescope
oct terminal
oct text size
oct three bars
oct thumbsdown
oct thumbsup
oct tools
oct trashcan
oct triangle down
oct triangle left
oct triangle right
oct triangle up
oct unfold
oct unmute
oct unverified
oct verified
oct versions
oct watch
oct x
⚡ oct zap
pl branch
pl current line
pl hostname
pl left hard divider
pl left soft divider
pl line number
pl readonly
pl right hard divider
pl right soft divider
ple backslash separator
ple backslash separator redundant
ple column number
ple current column
ple flame thick
ple flame thick mirrored
ple flame thin
ple flame thin mirrored
ple forwardslash separator
ple forwardslash separator redundant
ple honeycomb
ple honeycomb outline
ple ice waveform
ple ice waveform mirrored
ple left half circle thick
ple left half circle thin
ple lego block facing
ple lego block sideways
ple lego separator
ple lego separator thin
ple lower left triangle
ple lower right triangle
ple pixelated squares big
ple pixelated squares big mirrored
ple pixelated squares small
ple pixelated squares small mirrored
ple right half circle thick
ple right half circle thin
ple trapezoid top bottom
ple trapezoid top bottom mirrored
ple upper left triangle
ple upper right triangle
pom away
pom clean code
pom external interruption
pom internal interruption
pom long pause
pom pair programming
pom pomodoro done
pom pomodoro estimated
pom pomodoro squashed
pom pomodoro ticking
pom short pause
seti apple
seti argdown
seti asm
seti audio
seti babel
seti bazel
seti bicep
seti bower
seti bsl
seti c
seti c sharp
seti cake
seti cake php
seti checkbox
seti checkbox unchecked
seti cjsx
seti clock
seti clojure
seti code climate
seti code search
seti coffee
seti coldfusion
seti config
seti cpp
seti crystal
seti crystal embedded
seti css
seti csv
seti cu
seti d
seti dart
seti db
seti default
seti deprecation cop
seti docker
seti editorconfig
seti ejs
seti elixir
seti elixir script
seti elm
seti error
seti eslint
seti ethereum
seti f sharp
seti favicon
seti firebase
seti firefox
seti folder
seti font
seti git
seti git folder
seti git ignore
seti github
seti gitlab
seti go
seti go2
seti godot
seti gradle
seti grails
seti graphql
seti grunt
seti gulp
seti hacklang
seti haml
seti happenings
seti haskell
seti haxe
seti heroku
seti hex
seti home
seti html
seti ignored
seti illustrator
seti image
seti info
seti ionic
seti jade
seti java
seti javascript
seti jenkins
seti jinja
seti json
seti julia
seti karma
seti kotlin
seti less
seti license
seti liquid
seti livescript
seti lock
seti lua
seti makefile
seti markdown
seti maven
seti mdo
seti mustache
seti new file
seti nim
seti notebook
seti npm
seti npm ignored
seti nunjucks
seti ocaml
seti odata
seti pddl
seti pdf
seti perl
seti photoshop
seti php
seti pipeline
seti plan
seti platformio
seti play arrow
seti powershell
seti prisma
seti project
seti prolog
seti pug
seti puppet
seti purescript
seti python
seti r
seti rails
seti react
seti reasonml
seti rescript
seti rollup
seti ruby
seti rust
seti salesforce
seti sass
seti sbt
seti scala
seti search
seti settings
seti shell
seti slim
seti smarty
seti spring
seti stylelint
seti stylus
seti sublime
seti svelte
seti svg
seti swift
seti terraform
seti tex
seti text
seti time cop
seti todo
seti tsconfig
seti twig
seti typescript
seti vala
seti video
seti vue
seti wasm
seti wat
seti webpack
seti wgt
seti word
seti xls
seti xml
seti yarn
seti yml
seti zig
seti zip
weather alien
weather aliens
weather barometer
weather celsius
weather cloud
weather cloud down
weather cloud refresh
weather cloud up
weather cloudy
weather cloudy gusts
weather cloudy windy
weather day cloudy
weather day cloudy gusts
weather day cloudy high
weather day cloudy windy
weather day fog
weather day hail
weather day haze
weather day light wind
weather day lightning
weather day rain
weather day rain mix
weather day rain wind
weather day showers
weather day sleet
weather day sleet storm
weather day snow
weather day snow thunderstorm
weather day snow wind
weather day sprinkle
weather day storm showers
weather day sunny
weather day sunny overcast
weather day thunderstorm
weather day windy
weather degrees
weather direction down
weather direction down left
weather direction down right
weather direction left
weather direction right
weather direction up
weather direction up left
weather direction up right
weather dust
weather earthquake
weather fahrenheit
weather fire
weather flood
weather fog
weather gale warning
weather hail
weather horizon
weather horizon alt
weather hot
weather humidity
weather hurricane
weather hurricane warning
weather lightning
weather lunar eclipse
weather meteor
weather moon alt first quarter
weather moon alt full
weather moon alt new
weather moon alt third quarter
weather moon alt waning crescent 1
weather moon alt waning crescent 2
weather moon alt waning crescent 3
weather moon alt waning crescent 4
weather moon alt waning crescent 5
weather moon alt waning crescent 6
weather moon alt waning gibbous 1
weather moon alt waning gibbous 2
weather moon alt waning gibbous 3
weather moon alt waning gibbous 4
weather moon alt waning gibbous 5
weather moon alt waning gibbous 6
weather moon alt waxing crescent 1
weather moon alt waxing crescent 2
weather moon alt waxing crescent 3
weather moon alt waxing crescent 4
weather moon alt waxing crescent 5
weather moon alt waxing crescent 6
weather moon alt waxing gibbous 1
weather moon alt waxing gibbous 2
weather moon alt waxing gibbous 3
weather moon alt waxing gibbous 4
weather moon alt waxing gibbous 5
weather moon alt waxing gibbous 6
weather moon first quarter
weather moon full
weather moon new
weather moon third quarter
weather moon waning crescent 1
weather moon waning crescent 2
weather moon waning crescent 3
weather moon waning crescent 4
weather moon waning crescent 5
weather moon waning crescent 6
weather moon waning gibbous 1
weather moon waning gibbous 2
weather moon waning gibbous 3
weather moon waning gibbous 4
weather moon waning gibbous 5
weather moon waning gibbous 6
weather moon waxing crescent 1
weather moon waxing crescent 2
weather moon waxing crescent 3
weather moon waxing crescent 4
weather moon waxing crescent 5
weather moon waxing crescent 6
weather moon waxing gibbous 1
weather moon waxing gibbous 2
weather moon waxing gibbous 3
weather moon waxing gibbous 4
weather moon waxing gibbous 5
weather moon waxing gibbous 6
weather moonrise
weather moonset
weather na
weather night alt cloudy
weather night alt cloudy gusts
weather night alt cloudy high
weather night alt cloudy windy
weather night alt hail
weather night alt lightning
weather night alt partly cloudy
weather night alt rain
weather night alt rain mix
weather night alt rain wind
weather night alt sleet
weather night alt sleet storm
weather night alt snow
weather night alt snow thunderstorm
weather night alt snow wind
weather night alt sprinkle
weather night alt storm showers
weather night alt thunderstorm
weather night clear
weather night cloudy
weather night cloudy gusts
weather night cloudy high
weather night cloudy windy
weather night fog
weather night hail
weather night lightning
weather night partly cloudy
weather night rain
weather night rain mix
weather night rain wind
weather night showers
weather night sleet
weather night sleet storm
weather night snow
weather night snow thunderstorm
weather night snow wind
weather night sprinkle
weather night storm showers
weather night thunderstorm
weather rain
weather rain mix
weather rain wind
weather raindrop
weather raindrops
weather refresh
weather refresh alt
weather sandstorm
weather showers
weather sleet
weather small craft advisory
weather smog
weather smoke
weather snow
weather snow wind
weather snowflake cold
weather solar eclipse
weather sprinkle
weather stars
weather storm showers
weather storm warning
weather strong wind
weather sunrise
weather sunset
weather thermometer
weather thermometer exterior
weather thermometer internal
weather thunderstorm
weather time 1
weather time 10
weather time 11
weather time 12
weather time 2
weather time 3
weather time 4
weather time 5
weather time 6
weather time 7
weather time 8
weather time 9
weather tornado
weather train
weather tsunami
weather umbrella
weather volcano
weather wind beaufort 0
weather wind beaufort 1
weather wind beaufort 10
weather wind beaufort 11
weather wind beaufort 12
weather wind beaufort 2
weather wind beaufort 3
weather wind beaufort 4
weather wind beaufort 5
weather wind beaufort 6
weather wind beaufort 7
weather wind beaufort 8
weather wind beaufort 9
weather wind direction
weather wind east
weather wind north
weather wind north east
weather wind north west
weather wind south
weather wind south east
weather wind south west
weather wind west
weather windy