{ programs.nixvim.opts = { background = ""; number = true; # show line numbers relativenumber = true; # show relative linenumbers laststatus = 0; # Display status line always history = 1000; # Store lots of :cmdline history showcmd = true; # Show incomplete cmds down the bottom showmode = true; # Show current mode down the bottom autoread = true; # Reload files changed outside vim lazyredraw = true; # Redraw only when needed showmatch = true; # highlight matching braces ruler = true; # show current line and column visualbell = true; # No sounds listchars = "trail:ยท"; # Display tabs and trailing spaces visually autoindent = true; cindent = true; # automatically indent braces smartindent = true; smarttab = true; shiftwidth = 2; softtabstop = 4; tabstop = 2; expandtab = true; wildmode = "list:longest"; wildmenu = true; # enable ctrl-n and ctrl-p to scroll thru matches scrolloff = 4; # Start scrolling when we're 4 lines away from margins sidescrolloff = 15; sidescroll = 1; incsearch = true; hlsearch = true; ignorecase = true; smartcase = true; backspace = "indent,eol,start"; # allow backspace in insert mode }; }