#!/usr/bin/env bash echo -e " Before using this tool, ensure that the host has been setup correctly. Boot the latest Nixos-minimal install ISO on the host and access the tty. Use 'ip a' to get the ip address, then 'sudo su' to change to root. Finally Run 'passwd' and set a temporary password (something simple like '1234') for the root user. " read -p "Confirm host had been setup using the above steps...(yes|no): " confirm [ "$confirm" != "yes" ] && echo "Exiting" && exit 0 cd ~ read -p "Enter hostname: " hostname read -p "Enter username: " username read -p "Enter ip address: " ip KEY_DIR="$HOME/keys/$hostname/" mkdir -p $KEY_DIR echo "Creating ssh keys for new host. Will create in current directory: "$KEY_DIR KEY_NAME="ssh_ed25519_key_$hostname" KNOWN_HOSTS=$(grep "$ip" ~/.ssh/known_hosts) confirm_delete="" [ "$KNOWN_HOSTS" != "" ] && echo -e "Host found in: ~/.ssh/known_hosts\n\n$KNOWN_HOSTS\n" && read -p "Delete existing hosts from ~/.ssh/known_hosts? (yes|no) " confirm_delete [ "$confirm_delete" = "yes" ] && sed -i "/$ip/d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$KEY_DIR/$KEY_NAME" -C "$hostname@$ip" -N "" [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Error generating ssh keys" && exit 1 echo "Copying ssh key to target host:" # Rsync currently not available in Nixos. Use scp instead. #rsync -av "ssh_ed25519_key_$hostname"* "root@$ip:/etc/ssh/" scp -i "$KEY_DIR/ssh_ed25519_key_$hostname"* "root@$ip:/etc/ssh/" [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Error copying keys to target host" && exit 1 echo "Generating age key from ssh key" nix-shell -p ssh-to-age --run "cat $KEY_NAME.pub | ssh-to-age > $KEY_DIR/age_key_$hostname" [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Error generating age key" && exit 1 AGE_KEY=$(cat "$KEY_DIR/age_key_$hostname") echo -e "Age key:\n$AGE_KEY\n" echo "This needs to be inserted into .sops.yaml file." # Install Nixos bootstrap cd "$HOME/nixos" SHELL=/bin/sh nix run github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere -- --flake .#bootstrap root@"$ip" -i "$KEY_DIR/ssh_ed25519_key_$hostname" [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Error installing Nixos" && exit 1 echo "Deleting host from known_hosts" sed -i "/$ip/d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts echo -e " Complete! Remember to add the age key to .sops.yaml, like this: keys: - &hosts: - &$hostname $AGE_KEY creation_rules: - path_regex: secrets.yaml$ key_groups: - age: - *$hostname Then to update the keys for the secrets.yaml file, run: 'sops --config .sops.yaml updatekeys secrets.yaml' " echo "Copying gitea private ssh key to host" rsync -av "$(readlink -n "$HOME/.ssh/openssh_key" )" "$username@$ip":~/.ssh/gitea ssh "$username@$ip" "nix-shell -p git --run \"GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/.ssh/gitea -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' git clone git@git.bitlab21.com:sam/nixos.git\"" ssh "$username@$ip" "nix-shell -p git --run \"GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/.ssh/gitea -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' git clone git@git.bitlab21.com:sam/nix-secrets.git\""