{ inputs, configVars, lib, ... }: let # Disko setup fsType = "btrfs"; # one of ext4 or btrfs. Use btrfs if using impermanence dev = "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5001b448b5f7cc7f"; encrypted = false; # currrently only applies to btrfs btrfsMountDevice = if encrypted then "/dev/mapper/crypted" else "/dev/root_vg/root"; impermanence = true; pubKeys = lib.filesystem.listFilesRecursive ../common/users/keys; piholeIp = configVars.networking.addresses.pihole.ip; gatewayIp = configVars.networking.addresses.gateway.ip; merlinIp = configVars.networking.addresses.merlin.ip; in { imports = [ # Create users for this host ../common/users/admin # Disk configuration inputs.disko.nixosModules.disko (import ../common/disks { device = dev; impermanence = impermanence; fsType = fsType; encrypted = encrypted; }) # Impermanence (import ../common/disks/btrfs/impermanence.nix { btrfsMountDevice = btrfsMountDevice; lib = lib; }) # Import core options ./hardware-configuration.nix ../common/core # Import optional options ../common/optional/openssh.nix ]; boot = { loader = { systemd-boot.enable = true; efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; timeout = 3; }; }; users.users = { root = { openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = lib.lists.forEach pubKeys (key: builtins.readFile key); }; }; networking = { hostName = "merlin"; nameservers = ["${piholeIp}" "${gatewayIp}" ""]; defaultGateway = "${gatewayIp}"; useDHCP = false; bridges = { br0 = { interfaces = ["eth0"]; }; }; interfaces.br0 = { ipv4.addresses = [ { "address" = "${merlinIp}"; "prefixLength" = 24; } ]; }; }; boot.supportedFilesystems = ["zfs"]; boot.zfs.forceImportRoot = false; networking.hostId = "18aec5d7"; boot.zfs.extraPools = ["deepzfs"]; services.libinput.enable = true; }