{ pkgs, ... }: { home.packages = with pkgs; [ (writeShellScriptBin "emoji-picker" '' # Define variables symbols_dir="$HOME/.local/share/symbols" emoji_file="$symbols_dir/emoji" nerdfont_file="$symbols_dir/nerdfont" recent="$symbols_dir/recent" remote="https://git.bitlab21.com/sam/symbols.git" # Check if emoji files are installed, if not pull from remote if [ ! -f "$emoji_file" ] || [ ! -f "$nerdfont_file" ]; then notify-send -t 5000 "Emoji Picker" "Symbol files not found. Fetching from: '$remote'..." mkdir -p "$symbols_dir" git clone "$remote" "$symbols_dir" [ "$?" != 0 ] && notify-send -t 2000 "Emoji Picker" "Error fetching from: $remote" && exit 1 fi # Concat all emoji files and pipe into dmenu. Remove empty rows with sed. Exit if invalid selection. emoji_row=$(cat "$recent" "$emoji_file" "$nerdfont_file" | sed '/^$/d' | dmenu -l 20) [ "$emoji_row" == "" ] && notify-send -t 1000 "Emoji Picker" "Cancelled" && exit 0 [ "$emoji_row" == "**** Recent ****" ] || [ "$emoji_row" == "****************" ] && notify-send -t 1000 "Emoji Picker" "Invalid selection." && exit 1 # Add selected emoji to recent. sed -i "/$emoji_row/d" "$recent" && sed -i "2s/^/$emoji_row\n/" "$recent" # Copy to clipboard emoji=$(echo "$emoji_row" | sed 's/\s.*//g') echo "$emoji" | xclip -i -r -selection CLIPBOARD notify-send -t 5000 "Emoji Picker" "$emoji_row copied to clipboard" '') ]; }