- included config for dbt and pgsync as sops templates
- import sops-nix into container
- remove unnecessary bind mounts
- update nix-secrets in flake.lock
- Update `flake.lock` with new `nix-secrets` revision
- Modify `arrstack.nix`:
- Change secret paths for OpenVPN credentials
- Add new ports and capabilities for gluetun service
- Add qbittorrent service with environment variables
- Rename project from jellyfin to arrstack
- Update `jellyfin.nix` to set container name
- Include `jellyfin.nix` and `arrstack.nix` in `default.nix`
- Adjust GDK scaling variables in `default.nix` for better display
- Improve `justfile`:
- Pull latest changes before editing SOPS file
- Use timestamped commit messages for auto-commits
- Add mimeapps.list creation for KDE desktops in default.nix
- Modify distributed builds settings for local-machine.nix
- Update supportedFeatures and add speedFactor, maxJobs in local-machine.nix.
- Update LNBits version to v0.12.12 in flake.lock and flake.nix
- Modify desktop entries for Zathura, Nsxiv-wrapper, Nvim-wrapper, and Mpv-wrapper in default.nix
- Add arrstack.nix and Restic backups for Jellyfin configuration
- Add xdg desktop entries for Firefox, Zathura, Nsxiv-wrapper, Nvim-wrapper, and Mpv-wrapper
- Update clipboard-recall and get-focused-monitor scripts to use xorg.xrandr and xdotool
- Include restic-backup.nix and enable fuse.userAllowOther in citadel configuration.