emoji-picker notification time, modify sb-scripts, xresources stuff

This commit is contained in:
Sam 2024-06-16 22:16:59 +01:00
parent 97ff165b02
commit fd20921d1e
12 changed files with 33 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -56,9 +56,6 @@
width=$(${xorg.xwininfo}/bin/xwininfo -root | grep Width | sed "s/^.*:\s//")
height=$(${xorg.xwininfo}/bin/xwininfo -root | grep Height | sed "s/^.*:\s//")
offset_horiz=$(( $width/8 ))
offset_vert=$(( $height/8 ))
scale_width=$(( $width/4 + $width/2 ))
scale_height=$(( $height/4 + $height/2 ))
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@
exit 1
filesdir="$(find $1 -type f -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -rn | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
output="$(echo "$filesdir" | ${nsxiv}/bin/nsxiv -tioq -g "$scale_width"x"$scale_height"-$offset_horiz-$offset_vert -N nsxiv-float )"
output="$(echo "$filesdir" | ${nsxiv}/bin/nsxiv -tioq -g "$scale_width"x"$scale_height" -N nsxiv-float )"
num_lines=$( echo "$output" | wc -l)
if [ "$num_lines" -gt 1 ]; then

View File

@ -11,15 +11,16 @@
# Check if emoji files are installed, if not pull from remote
if [ ! -f "$emoji_file" ] || [ ! -f "$nerdfont_file" ]; then
notify-send "Emoji Picker" "Symbol files not found. Fetching from: '$remote'..."
notify-send -t 5000 "Emoji Picker" "Symbol files not found. Fetching from: '$remote'..."
mkdir -p "$symbols_dir"
git clone "$remote" "$symbols_dir"
[ "$?" != 0 ] && notify-send "Emoji Picker" "Error fetching from: $remote" && exit 1
[ "$?" != 0 ] && notify-send -t 2000 "Emoji Picker" "Error fetching from: $remote" && exit 1
# Concat all emoji files and pipe into dmenu. Remove empty rows with sed. Exit if invalid selection.
emoji_row=$(cat "$recent" "$emoji_file" "$nerdfont_file" | sed '/^$/d' | dmenu -l 20)
[ "$emoji_row" == "**** Recent ****" ] || [ "$emoji_row" == "****************" ] && notify-send "Emoji Picker" "Invalid selection." && exit 1
[ "$emoji_row" == "" ] && notify-send -t 1000 "Emoji Picker" "Cancelled" && exit 0
[ "$emoji_row" == "**** Recent ****" ] || [ "$emoji_row" == "****************" ] && notify-send -t 1000 "Emoji Picker" "Invalid selection." && exit 1
# Add selected emoji to recent.
sed -i "/$emoji_row/d" "$recent" && sed -i "2s/^/$emoji_row\n/" "$recent"
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
# Copy to clipboard
emoji=$(echo "$emoji_row" | sed 's/\s.*//g')
echo "$emoji" | xclip -i -r -selection CLIPBOARD
notify-send "Emoji Picker" "$emoji_row copied to clipboard"
notify-send -t 5000 "Emoji Picker" "$emoji_row copied to clipboard"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
home.packages = with pkgs; [
(writeShellScriptBin "sb-cpu-pct" ''
echo $(top -bn 1 |grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $2+$6 "%"}' | sed "s/\..//g")
echo "[󰻠 $(top -bn 1 |grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $2+$6 "%"}' | sed "s/\..//g")] "

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
home.packages = with pkgs; [
(writeShellScriptBin "sb-mem-pct" ''
# Gets current ram percent utilisation
echo $(free | awk '/^Mem/ {print "100*" $3 " / " $2 }' | ${bc}/bin/bc | awk '{print $1"%"}')
echo "[󰍛 $(free | awk '/^Mem/ {print "100*" $3 " / " $2 }' | ${bc}/bin/bc | awk '{print $1"%"}')] "

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
printf "$network_symbol"
printf "$network_symbol|$IP_ADDRESS"
printf "[$network_symbol|$IP_ADDRESS] "

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
inputs=$(cd /etc/nixos &&
nix flake update --output-lock-file <(cat flake.nix) 2> /tmp/update &&
cat /tmp/update | grep -c Update)
printf " $inputs"
printf "[ $inputs] "

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
print_string="$mic_status $icon $vol%"
printf '%s' "''${print_string}"
printf '%s' "[''${print_string}] "

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
home.file.".Xresources" = {
recursive = true;
text = ''
! scale
Xft.dpi: 144
! st
st.alpha: 0.8
St.font: monospace:pixelsize=21:antialias=true:autohint=true;
@ -10,7 +13,7 @@
! dwm
dwm.borderpx: 3
dwm.font: monospace:size=14
dwm.font: monospace:size=12
dwm.col_base00: #${config.colorScheme.colors.base00}
dwm.col_base03: #${config.colorScheme.colors.base03}
dwm.col_base04: #${config.colorScheme.colors.base04}
@ -19,7 +22,9 @@
dwm.col_base0B: #${config.colorScheme.colors.base0B}
! dmenu
dmenu.font: monospace:size=14
dmenu.font: monospace:size=12
dmenu.font2: NotoColorEmoji:pixelsize=22:antialias=true:autohint=true
dmenu.topbar: 1
dmenu.normfgcolor: #${config.colorScheme.colors.base05}
dmenu.normbgcolor: #${config.colorScheme.colors.base03}
dmenu.selfgcolor: #${config.colorScheme.colors.base00}

View File

@ -38,16 +38,18 @@
videos = "/home/sam/vids";
# Prevent error when enabling gtk https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/issues/3113
# error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name ca.desrt.dconf was not provided by any .service files
home.packages = [ pkgs.dconf ];
gtk.enable = true;
gtk.cursorTheme.package = pkgs.bibata-cursors;
gtk.cursorTheme.name = "Bibata-Modern-Ice";
# Get details about theme package
#cd $(nix build nixpkgs#kanagawa-gtk-theme --print-out-paths --no-link) && nix run nixpkgs#eza -- --tree --level 4
gtk.theme.package = pkgs.kanagawa-gtk-theme;
gtk.theme.name = "Kanagawa-B";
gtk.theme.package = pkgs.gruvbox-gtk-theme;
gtk.theme.name = "Gruvbox-Dark-B";
gtk.iconTheme.package = pkgs.gruvbox-plus-icons;
gtk.iconTheme.name = "GruvboxPlus";
gtk.iconTheme.package = pkgs.kanagawa-icon-theme;
gtk.iconTheme.name = "Kanagawa";
qt.enable = true;
qt.platformTheme.name = "gtk";

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
domain = "git.bitlab21.com";
owner = "sam";
repo = "dwm";
rev = "a49099cfcc5839f88137c44cb4bef416d67591af";
sha256 = "sha256-NmBr3e6ltt9TowWZ9MfV1jyEhRcr5NJNu7T19J79BVs=";
rev = "e34d0ecdd98e52164c135b560a5583aa11be89b7";
sha256 = "sha256-er1zi2xYK7AB6oR7JmfkfehesKTw9P4bcgjafj2lIIU=";

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
domain = "git.bitlab21.com";
owner = "sam";
repo = "dmenu";
rev = "aaa18d5eb6c7a935766af489a3e3f3136278d3cc";
sha256 = "sha256-khcBW6oVbvagLa2dfbteCJfzepbv4Y6GoUauYXHNhQo=";
rev = "b07a6b2368198b9102ee1814ea01c93c9dfa478f";
sha256 = "sha256-FWuup2N+cyJErAA0n6wuv1Ru28/yiJETjEjqKe44yDE=";
nativeBuildInputs = [

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
domain = "git.bitlab21.com";
owner = "sam";
repo = "dwmblocks";
rev = "c4e7a9b1eb98123e239ba76bc551934721fd18ca";
sha256 = "sha256-F1x8jOT+c2pPCF9qKq5boIWzegMBTCxwzKMVtmtMWGM=";
rev = "1a65ae7eb0ae68f979ac86f0862ffa52d88da366";
sha256 = "sha256-PiUCHwm4MpoKGT2b/MgSpffejSqzOXdPlxXKGh0QEU4=";
nativeBuildInputs = [