#!/bin/bash COVER=/tmp/cover.jpg MUSIC_DIR=~/Music/ CURRENT=$(mpc current -f %file%) update_cover() { # extract the album art from the mp3 file ffmpeg -i "$MUSIC_DIR$(mpc current -f %file%)" $COVER -y &> /dev/null echo "Extracted album art" # resize the image to 250x250 convert $COVER -resize 250x250 $COVER echo "Resized album art to 250x250" } update_cover echo "Swapped art to $(mpc current)" #mpv --keep-open=yes --cursor-autohide=always --no-osd-bar --no-osc --title="cover" --force-window=immediate --geometry 250x250 $COVER & sxiv -g 250x250 -b $COVER & while true; do NEW=$(mpc current -f %file%) if [ "$NEW" != "$CURRENT" ];then CURRENT=$NEW echo "Song changed. Swapping album art" update_cover # mpv --keep-open=yes --no-osd-bar --no-osc --title="cover" --force-window --geometry 250x250 $COVER & echo "Swapped art to $(mpc current)" fi done