--- title: "Bitcoin Hashrate and Difficulty" date: 2023-07-02T20:47:12+01:00 author: name: "Sam Chance" header_image: "/pics/charts/hashrate.webp" summary: "Timeseries chart showing the Bitcoin network hashrate and difficulty." tags: ["Bitcoin", "Stats", "Hashrate"] jsScripts: [ "/js/lib/chart-params.js", "/js/lib/helper-functions.js", "/js/lib/echarts.min.js", "/js/lib/sorttable.js", "/js/content/hashrate.js"] --- This chart shows the estimated hashrate and difficulty of the Bitcoin network, accompanied by the 28-day moving average. This information is extracted from a bitcoin node using the `bitcoin-cli getnetworkhashps` command. {{< dropdown_filter id="days_ago_dropdown_filter" >}} {{< chart id = "hashrate-chart" >}}