# basedData.io My name is Sam Chance, and this is my personal site. I am an professional Analytics Engineer with a passion for working with data. I build data pipelines for analytical projects, some of which I host on this site. Feel free to look around. If you have any questions, then you can email me on *contact@sjplab.com*. More about my professional life [here](/cv). This site is still very much under construction. ### Shortcuts to some of my work: - [basedData Data Lab](/data-lab) A selection of charts and metrics obtained from public data - [Map Printing Service](https://semitamaps.com) A free map printing service based on Openstreetmaps - [Code base](https://git.bitlab21.com) My personal self-hosted git repo using Gitea - [Nixos config](https://git.bitlab21.com/sam/nixos) My Nixos configuration ### Software I use: - [**Neovim**](https://neovim.io/) for text editing (my neovim config is part of my [nixos](https://git.bitlab21.com/sam/nixos) configuration) - I use **Linux** on all my machines - **Nixos** and **Arch Linux** are my Linux distros of choice - [**dwm**](https://dwm.suckless.org) is my window manager (my dwm [config](https://git.bitlab21.com/sam/dwm)) - [**st**](https://st.suckless.org) is my terminal emulator (my st [config](https://git.bitlab21.com/sam/st)) - I use [**QGIS**](https://www.qgis.org/) and [**Postgis**](https://postgis.net/) for geospatial work - [**DBT**](https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-core) for data modelling - [**Postgres**](https://www.postgresql.org/) is my relational database of choice to power my backends - [**Hugo**](https://gohugo.io/) to build this [**website**](https://git.bitlab21.com/sam/bitlab21.com)